Source: hiredis
Version: 1.2.0-5
Severity: serious
Tags: ftbfs
Justification: fails to build from source (but built successfully in the past)

Testing against Unix socket connection 
#95 Is able to deliver commands: ␛[0;32mPASSED␛[0;0m
#96 Is a able to send commands verbatim: ␛[0;32mPASSED␛[0;0m
#97 %s String interpolation works: ␛[0;32mPASSED␛[0;0m
#98 %b String interpolation works: ␛[0;32mPASSED␛[0;0m
#99 Binary reply length is correct: ␛[0;32mPASSED␛[0;0m
#100 Can parse nil replies: ␛[0;32mPASSED␛[0;0m
#101 Can parse integer replies: ␛[0;32mPASSED␛[0;0m
#102 Can parse multi bulk replies: ␛[0;32mPASSED␛[0;0m
#103 Can handle nested multi bulk replies: ␛[0;32mPASSED␛[0;0m
#104 Send command by passing argc/argv: ␛[0;32mPASSED␛[0;0m
#105 Can pass NULL to redisGetReply: ␛[0;32mPASSED␛[0;0m
#106 We set a default RESP3 handler for redisContext: ␛[0;32mPASSED␛[0;0m
#107 We don't set a default RESP3 push handler for redisAsyncContext: 
#108 Our REDIS_OPT_NO_PUSH_AUTOFREE flag works: ␛[0;32mPASSED␛[0;0m
#109 We can use redisOptions to set a custom PUSH handler for redisContext: 
#110 We can use redisOptions to set a custom PUSH handler for 
redisAsyncContext: ␛[0;32mPASSED␛[0;0m
#111 We can use redisOptions to set privdata: ␛[0;32mPASSED␛[0;0m
#112 Our privdata destructor fires when we free the context: ␛[0;32mPASSED␛[0;0m
#113 Successfully completes a command when the timeout is not exceeded: 
#114 Does not return a reply when the command times out: ␛[0;32mPASSED␛[0;0m
#115 Reconnect properly reconnects after a timeout: ␛[0;32mPASSED␛[0;0m
#116 Reconnect properly uses owned parameters: ␛[0;32mPASSED␛[0;0m
#117 Returns I/O error when the connection is lost: ␛[0;32mPASSED␛[0;0m
#118 Returns I/O error on socket timeout: ␛[0;32mPAShiredis-test: test.c:2199: 
test_async_polling: Assertion `c->err == 0' failed.
make[2]: *** [Makefile:271: check] Error 134

Sebastian Ramacher

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