Please look into attached files. There is a liloconfig perl script
rewritten to use debconf instead of stdin/stdout. Of course, this script
is not ideal but it fixes #351542.
Additionaly, there is attached lilo.templates file. It contains all
templates needed by mainter's scripts and by new liloconfig.

Please consider merging those files into lilo package.

Best regards
Moje dziecko rano po raz pierwszy powiedziało: "Tatusiu, ale ja nie chcę
jeszcze wstawać do przedszkola". A ja miałem ochotę mu powiedzieć: "Synu,
od dzisiaj będziesz co rano, aż do emerytury miał to parszywe uczucie, że znowu
trzeba wstawać choć jeszcze chciałoby się pospać" - na tym generalnie polega
życie.                                                  /Kuba Chabik/
Template: lilo/new-config
Type: note
_Description: LILO configuration
 It seems to be your first LILO installation. It is absolutely necessary to
 run liloconfig(8) when you complete this process and execute /sbin/lilo 
 after this.
 LILO won't work if you don't do this. 

Template: lilo/upgrade
Type: note
_Description: Deprecated parameters in LILO configuration
 Deprecated files have been found on your system.
 You must update the 'install=' parameter in your LILO configuration file
 (/etc/lilo.conf) in order to properly upgrade the package.
 The new 'install=' options are:
  new: install=bmp
  old: install=/boot/boot-bmp.b
  new: install=text
  old: install=/boot/boot-text.b
  new: install=menu
  old: install=/boot/boot-menu.b or boot.b

Template: lilo/runme
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Do you want to run /sbin/lilo now?
 It was detected that it's necessary to run /sbin/lilo in order to update
 the new LILO configuration.
 WARNING: This procedure will write data in your MBR and may overwrite
 some things in that place. If you skip this step, you must run /sbin/lilo
 before reboot your computer or your system may not boot again.

Template: lilo/bad_bitmap
Type: note
_Description: Invalid bitmap path
 A deprecated bitmap path entry has been discovered in your LILO configuration 
 file (/etc/lilo.conf). You must upgrade this path in order to run LILO. You 
 can also run liloconfig(8) and get a fresh configuration file.

Template: liloconfig/maintitle
Type: title
_Description: LILO configuration.

Template: liloconfig/banner
Type: text
_Description: LILO, the LInux LOader, sets up your system to boot Linux 
directly from your hard disk, without the need for a boot floppy.

Template: liloconfig/configuring_base
Type: error
_Description: Hmm. I think you're configuring the base filesystem, and I'm 
therefore simply going to exit successfully without trying to actually 
configure LILO properly. If you're not doing that, this is an important bug 
against Debian's lilo package, and should be reported as such...

Template: liloconfig/liloconf_exists
Type: note
_Description: You already have a LILO configuration in the file ${liloconf}. If 
you want to use the new LILO boot menu, please take a look to 
/usr/share/doc/lilo/examples/conf.sample and choose one of the bitmaps located 
on /boot.

Template: liloconfig/liloconf_incompatible
Type: error
_Description: WARNING!
 You have an old incompatible lilo configuration file!
 Read the file /usr/share/doc/lilo/INCOMPAT.gz and rerun /sbin/lilo to write the
 changes to your boot sectors

Template: liloconfig/use_current_lilo
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Install a boot block using your current LILO configuration?

Template: liloconfig/lilo_warning
Type: error
_Description: WARNING!
 Even if lilo runs successfully, see /usr/share/doc/lilo/INCOMPAT.gz for
 changes in the usage of the ${liloconf} file.  If needed: edit ${liloconf} and
 rerun '/sbin/lilo -v'

Template: liloconfig/lilo_error
Type: error
_Description: ERROR!
 Correct ${liloconf} manually and rerun /sbin/lilo.

Template: liloconfig/wipe_old_liloconf
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Wipe out your old LILO configuration and make a new one?

Template: liloconfig/no_changes
Type: error
_Description: No changes made.

Template: liloconfig/fstab_broken
Type: error
_Description: WARNING!
 Either your ${fstab} configuration file is missing, or it doesn't contain a
 valid entry for the root filesystem! This generally means that your system is
 very badly broken. Configuration of LILO will be aborted; you should try to
 repair the situation and then run /usr/sbin/liloconfig again to retry the
 configuration process.

Template: liloconfig/odd_fstab
Type: error
_Description: WARNING!
 Your ${fstab} configuration file gives device ${device} as the root filesystem
 device. This doesn't look to me like an "ordinary" block device. Either your
 fstab is broken and you should fix it, or you are using hardware (such as a
 RAID array) which this simple configuration program does not handle.
 You should either repair the situation or hand-roll your own ${liloconf}
 configuration file; you can then run /usr/sbin/liloconfig again to retry the
 configuration process. Documentation for LILO can be found in

Template: liloconfig/instruction
Type: note
_Description: Booting from hard disk.
 You must do three things to make the Linux system boot from the hard disk.
 Install a partition boot record, install a master boot record, and set the
 partition active. You'll be asked to perform each of these tasks. You may skip
 any or all of them, and perform them manually later on.
 This will result in Linux being booted by default from the hard disk.  If your
 setup is complicated or unusual you should consider writing your own
 customised ${liloconf}. To do this you should exit this configuration program
 and refer to the comprehensive lilo documentation, which can be found in

Template: liloconfig/install_from_root_device
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Install a partition boot record to boot Linux from ${device}?

Template: liloconfig/use_lba32
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Use LBA32 for addressing big disks using new BIOS features?

Template: liloconfig/install_mbr
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Install a master boot record on ${disk}?
 A master boot record is required to run the partition boot record. If you are
 already using a boot manager, and want to keep it, answer "no" to the
 following question. If you don't know what a boot manager is or whether you
 have one, answer "yes".

Template: liloconfig/mbr_error
Type: error
_Description: ERROR!
 install-mbr failed! Your system may not be bootable.

Template: liloconfig/make_active_partition
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Make ${device} the active partition
 The master boot record will boot the active partition. If you want your system
 to boot another operating system, such as DOS or Windows, by default, answer
 "no" to the following question. You may still use your boot manager or the
 master boot record to boot Linux. If you want the system to boot Linux by
 default, answer "yes". In this case you could still boot some other OS if you
 know what partition it is on.

Template: liloconfig/activate_error
Type: error
_Description: ERROR!
 activate failed! Your system may not be bootable.

# /usr/sbin/liloconfig -- configure lilo automatically using debconf
# Author:       Bruce Perens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#               Bernd Eckenfels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#               Vincent Renardias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#               Peter Maydell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#               Russell Coker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#               Andrés Roldán <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Maintainer:   Andrés Roldán <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

# Updated on 2006/08/27 -- Artur R. Czechowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# - Communication with user is handled via debconf
# Updated on 2004/07/31 -- Andrés Roldán <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# - Added get_bitmap() to allow one choose the bitmap to use.
# Updated on 2003/12/20 -- Andrés Roldán <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# - Modified get_images() to insert initrd= field when necessary.
#   See Bug#224368.
# Updated on 2003/10/24 -- Andrés Roldán <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# - Now liloconfig will smartly get the installed kernel images
#   and put them in the configuration file.
# Updated on 2003/10/05 -- Andrés Roldán <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# - Updated install= comments . See Bug#183471.
# - Not using depecrated install=/boot/*b options.
# Updated on 2003/08/07 -- Andrés Roldán <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# - bitmap= field will search bitmaps on /boot 
# Updated on 2003/04/23 -- Andrés Roldán <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# - added menu entry for sid and sarge from debian-bootscreen.
# Updated on 1999/01/24 -- Vincent Renardias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#  - never return 0 on error.
#  - updated the template to produce a more helpfull (commentwise)
#      resulting lilo.conf
# Updated on 1999/11/24 -- Peter Maydell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#  - added error checking of various system calls
#  - added $DEBUG switch and pulled lilo.conf and fstab filenames
#    out into config variables.
#  - turned on Perl's -w switch and use strict subs/refs
#  - now does examination of current situation up front, separated
#    from the logic of what we do in various situations.
 #  - added check for special marker in /etc/fstab that indicates that we
 #    are configuring the base filesystem and shouldn't actually do anything.
 # Updated on 2000-01-23 -- Peter Maydell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 #  - fixed a (harmless) warning produced if /etc/fstab had a blank line in it
 #  - fixed a bug where partition number was not being pulled out of the
 #    /dev/hda4 string correctly.
 #  - added a paranoia check that the disk/device we get from fstab actually
 #    exist in the filesystem.
 #  - fixed flow-of-control problem where we simply weren't ever installing
 #    MBR and making partition active.
 #  - added & to some function calls, for consistency.
 #  - changed all references to /usr/doc/lilo/ to /usr/share/doc/lilo/.
 #  - added warning that the lilo.conf we produce does not suffice for
 #    complicated situations.
 #  - expanded some of the other prompts and explanatory text presented
 #    to the user.
 #  - added a 'ruler' to separate out questions
 #  - questions no longer accept anything except RET as meaning 'go with
 #    default answer'. [Previously, if the default answer was 'yes',
 #    anything not beginning with Y or y would be interpreted as 'no'.
 #    This is IMHO too lenient considering the consequences of getting
 #    it wrong...]
 #  - updated Maintainer, Author and Wishlist...
 # Updated on 2000-01-25 -- Peter Maydell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 #  - fixed important bug causing lilo not to install on RAID arrays.
 #    (Bugs #56153,#56183,#56196)
 #  - minor improvement to a regexp (no actual functional change) (Bug#56127)
 #  - expanded cryptic 'iff' comment (Bug#56127)
 # Updates on 2001-05-04 -- Russell Coker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 #  - more work on devfs root support

 # Wishlist:
 # This script is from Bruce's debian.postinst and need to be more
 # intelligent. It should be possible to install lilo in the MBR, too.
 # Support for systems which dual boot (esp. dual Linux/Windows) would
 # also be nice, but could be complicated to get right.

 ###use strict 'subs';
 ###use strict 'refs';
 #### use strict 'vars' falls over on all the global variables :->
use Debconf::Client::ConfModule qw(:all);


 # Set this to 1 to disable all commands that do things to the
 # hard disk (ie actually running lilo). Note that we still write
 # to $LILOCONF, so you should also tweak that to get a 'safe' test
 # environment.

 # Various files we access



 # Print a banner now, to give the user something to look at while
 # we ferret around in the fstab...


 # First we analyse the setup and set variables appropriately
 $fstab_broken = 1;         # is there a valid /etc/fstab? Assume not and prove 
 $liloconf_exists = 0;   # is there a preexisting lilo.conf with a 
non-commented out line?
 $liloconf_incompatible = 0;   # does lilo.conf use options not valid for this 
version of lilo?
 $configuring_base = 0; # are we configuring the 'base' filesystem (special 
 $odd_fstab = 0;         # set if we don't understand the device in the fstab
 # We also set $device, $disk, $partition (assuming fstab_broken == 0)

 if (-f $FSTAB) 
     # Parse fstab for the root partition...
     open(FSTAB, "<$FSTAB") or die "liloconfig: couldn't open $FSTAB: $!\n";
     while (<FSTAB>) 
         # Check for a magic string which indicates that we are configuring
         # the base filesystem and not a real machine...
         $configuring_base = 1 if /^# UNCONFIGURED FSTAB FOR BASE SYSTEM/;
         next if /^#/;    # ignore comment lines
         s/^[ \t]+//;     # remove space or tab at begin of the line
         ($device,$filesystem) = split(/[ \t]+/);
         next unless defined $filesystem;   # ignore empty lines too
         # Stop if we found the root device...
         if ($filesystem eq '/') 
             $fstab_broken = 0;
     close(FSTAB) or die "liloconfig: couldn't close $FSTAB: $!\n";

 if (! $fstab_broken) 
     # Valid device/filesystem pair, parse them
     $disk = `/usr/sbin/lilo_find_mbr $device`;
     $partition = $device;
     my $devfs = 0;

     # Paranoia check: there should be valid /dev/ nodes for these.
     # We could check for block-special-device-ness, but perhaps
     # some people have symlink forests in /dev/ ?
     # This check will fail on things like RAID arrays, where the
     # devices don't have names like /dev/hda4. In this case we can't
     # do simple autoconfiguration, but we still want to be able
     # to allow the user to install their own handrolled lilo.conf.
     $odd_fstab = 1 unless ($partition =~ /\d+$/ && -e $disk && -e $device);

 # Check for an existing lilo.conf with some non-comment lines in it...
 system ("grep -qsv '^#' $LILOCONF");
 # Exit status is 0 iff lilo.conf exists and contains at least one non-comment 
 if ($? == 0) 
     $liloconf_exists = 1;
     $liloconf_incompatible = &compatibility_check ();

 # Boilerplate arrays used to produce an initial lilo.conf

 @header = (
         "# Generated by liloconfig\n",

 @bootheader = (
                "# Specifies the boot device\n",

 @rootheader = (
                "# Specifies the device that should be mounted as root.\n",
                "# If the special name CURRENT is used, the root device is set 
to the\n",
                "# device on which the root file system is currently mounted. 
If the root\n",
                "# has been changed with  -r , the respective device is used. 
If the\n",
                "# variable ROOT is omitted, the root device setting contained 
in the\n",
                "# kernel image is used. It can be changed with the rdev 

 @boilerplate1 = (
                  "# Enables map compaction:\n",
                  "# Tries to merge read requests for adjacent sectors into a 
                  "# read request. This drastically reduces load time and keeps 
the map\n",
                  "# smaller. Using COMPACT is especially recommended when 
booting from a\n",
                  "# floppy disk.\n",
                  "# compact\n",
                  "# Install the specified file as the new boot sector.\n",
                  "# LILO supports built in boot sectory, you only need\n",
                  "# to specify the type, choose one from 'text', 'menu' or 
                  "# new: install=bmp      old: install=/boot/boot-bmp.b\n",
                  "# new: install=text     old: install=/boot/boot-text.b\n",
                  "# new: install=menu     old: install=/boot/boot-menu.b or 
                  "# default: 'menu' is default, unless you have a bitmap= 
                  "# Note: install=bmp must be used to see the bitmap menu.\n",
                  "# install=menu\n",
                  "# Specifies the number of _tenths_ of a second LILO 
                  "# wait before booting the first image.  LILO\n",
                  "# doesn't wait if DELAY is omitted or if DELAY is set to 
                  "# delay=20\n",
                  "# Prompt to use certaing image. If prompt is specified 
without timeout,\n",
                  "# boot will not take place unless you hit RETURN\n",
                  "# Specifies the location of the map file. If MAP is\n",
                  "# omitted, a file /boot/map is used.\n",
                  "# Specifies the VGA text mode that should be selected 
                  "# booting. The following values are recognized (case is 
                  "#   NORMAL  select normal 80x25 text mode.\n",
                  "#   EXTENDED  select 80x50 text mode. The word EXTENDED can 
                  "#     abbreviated to EXT.\n",
                  "#   ASK  stop and ask for user input (at boot time).\n",
                  "#   <number>  use the corresponding text mode. A list of 
available modes\n",
                  "#     can be obtained by booting with  vga=ask  and pressing 
                  "# Defines non-standard parameters for the specified disk.\n",
                  "# If you are using removable USB drivers (with 
                  "# you will need to tell LILO to not use these devices 
                  "# if defined in /etc/fstab and referenced in 
                  "# Adjust these lines to your devices:\n",
                  "# disk=/dev/sda inaccessible\n",
                  "# disk=/dev/sdb inaccessible\n",

 @boilerplate2 = (
                  "# If you have another OS on this machine (say DOS),\n",
                  "# you can boot if by uncommenting the following lines\n",
                  "# (Of course, change /dev/hda2 to wherever your DOS 
partition is.)\n",
                  "# other=/dev/hda2\n",
                  "#   label=\"MS Windows\"\n",

 # Utility functions

sub get_bitmap
    # @bitmaps = ( [ "filename","bmp-colors","bmp-table","bmp-timer" ], ... );

    my @bitmapconf = ();
    my $counter;
    my $ref;

    @bitmaps = (
"/boot/sarge.bmp","1,,0,2,,0","120p,173p,1,15,17","254p,432p,1,0,0" ],
"/boot/sid.bmp","1,,0,2,,0","120p,173p,1,15,17","254p,432p,1,0,0" ],
"/boot/coffee.bmp","12,,11,15,,8","385p,100p,1,10","38,2,13,1" ],
"/boot/debianlilo.bmp","1,,0;9,,0","106p,144p,2,9,144p","514p,144p,6,8,0" ]

    print STDERR "The following is the list of the available bitmaps:\n\n";

    $counter = 1;

    for $ref (@bitmaps)
        print STDERR "$counter. @$ref[0]\n";

    print STDERR "\nEnter the number of the bitmap: ";
    my $ans = <STDIN>;

    chomp $ans;


    if (($ans gt $#bitmaps) || ($ans lt 0))
        print STDERR "Invalid value. Using $bitmaps[$ans][0] by default.\n";
        $ans = 0;

    push (@bitmapconf, "\n# Bitmap configuration for $bitmaps[$ans][0]\n");
    push (@bitmapconf, "bitmap=$bitmaps[$ans][0]\n");
    push (@bitmapconf, "bmp-colors=$bitmaps[$ans][1]\n");
    push (@bitmapconf, "bmp-table=$bitmaps[$ans][2]\n");
    push (@bitmapconf, "bmp-timer=$bitmaps[$ans][3]\n");

    return @bitmapconf;

sub get_images
    my @images = ();

    $count = 0;
    print STDERR "Searching for installed kernels and updating image entries 
    push (@images, "# These images were automagically added. You may need to 
edit something.\n\n");
    # Ignore that /vmlinuz link since it can surely be poiting to 
    # some /boot/vmlinuz* file
    if (-e "/vmlinuz" && ! -l "/vmlinuz")
        push (@images, "image=/vmlinuz\n");
        push (@images, "\tlabel=\"Linux\"\n");
        if (-e "/initrd.img")
            push (@images, "\tinitrd=/initrd.img\n");
        push (@images, "\tread-only\n");
        push (@images, "\n");

    # Ignore that /boot/vmlinuz link as well since it can surely be 
    # poiting to some /boot/vmlinuz* file
    if (-e "/boot/vmlinuz" && ! -l "/boot/vmlinuz")
        push (@images, "image=/boot/vmlinuz\n");
        push (@images, "\tlabel=\"Linux 1\"\n");
        if (-e "/boot/initrd.img")
            push (@images, "\tinitrd=/boot/initrd.img\n");
        push (@images, "\tread-only\n");
        push (@images, "\n");

    foreach $image (`/bin/ls /boot/vmlinuz*`)
        chomp $image;

        my $version = "";
        my $complement = "";
        if ($image =~ /vmlinuz-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)-(.+)/)
            $version = $1;
            $complement = $2;
            $label = "Lin " . $version . "img" . $count;
        elsif ($image =~ /vmlinuz-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$/)
            $version = $1;
            $label = "Lin " . $version . "img" . $count;
            $label = "Lin " . "img" . $count;
        push (@images, "image=$image\n");
        push (@images, "\tlabel=\"$label\"\n");
        if (-e "/boot/initrd.img-$version-$complement")
            push (@images, "\tinitrd=/boot/initrd.img-$version-$complement\n");
        elsif (-e "/boot/initrd.img-$version")
            push (@images, "\tinitrd=/boot/initrd.img-$version\n");

        push (@images, "\tread-only\n");
        push (@images, "\n");

    if (-e "/boot/memtest86.bin")
        push (@images, "image=/boot/memtest86.bin\n");
        push (@images, "\tlabel=\"Memory Test\"\n");
        push (@images, "\tread-only\n");
        push (@images, "\n");

    if (-e "/boot/memtest86+.bin")
        push (@images, "image=/boot/memtest86+.bin\n");
        push (@images, "\tlabel=\"Memory Test+\"\n");
        push (@images, "\tread-only\n");
        push (@images, "\n");
    return @images;

sub asky 
        print STDERR @_,"? [Yes] ";
    while ($answer ne "\n" && !($answer =~ /^[YyNn].*/));
    &ruler ();
    return ( !($answer =~ /^[nN].*/) );

sub askn 
        print STDERR @_,"? [No] ";
    while ($answer ne "\n" && !($answer =~ /^[YyNn].*/));
    &ruler ();
    return ( $answer =~ /^[yY].*/ );

sub compatibility_check 
    # Check a lilo.conf for options which are not compatible
    # with the current version of lilo, and return 1 if any
    # incompatible usages are found.
    # This currently just checks for use of the any_* loaders.
    system ("egrep '^[^#]*any_' $LILOCONF");
    return 1 if ($? == 0);
    return 0;

sub safe_system($)
    # Works like system(), but just echoes the command that would
    # be run if $DEBUG is 1.
    if ($DEBUG) {
        print STDERR "[Would have run: ", join(' ', @_), "]\n";
        $? = 0;

# Actual work is done below here...

# Debian's 'base' filesystem is a special case -- it's prebuilt
# by installing and configuring packages into a subdirectory,
# which is then made into a tarball, which is then used to
# make the initial filesystem for a fresh Debian install.
# Thus we can't actually run LILO now, because we know nothing
# of the disk layout. That will be done as part of the install
# process.
if ($configuring_base) 


if ($liloconf_exists) 
    # Trust and use the existing lilo.conf.
    # FIX: If the current lilo.conf installs a master boot record, ask
    #   to edit it to a partition boot record and install the master boot
    #   record to chain to that.


    if ($liloconf_incompatible) 
    if ($val eq "true")
        &safe_system("/sbin/lilo -v");
        if ( $? == 0 ) 
        if($val eq "true")
            warn "Odkomentować poniższą linijkę!";
            #rename($LILOCONF, "$LILOCONF.OLD") or die "liloconfig: couldn't 
save old $LILOCONF as $LILOCONF.OLD: $!\n";

# ASSERT: that we get here only if there is no lilo.conf or the user
# asked us to wipe out the old one...
# We make checks for broken fstabs and odd devices only if we are 
# going to try to write a lilo.conf for the user.
if ($fstab_broken) 

if ($odd_fstab) 


# Flag so we can print STDERR a warning if we fell out the bottom of the config
# without having run lilo at all.
$lilorun = 0; $madeactive = 0;


if($val eq "true")
    open(CONF, ">$LILOCONF") or die "Couldn't open $LILOCONF for writing: $!\n";
    if (!chown(0, 0, "$LILOCONF")) 
        die "Couldn't make $LILOCONF owned by root.root: $!\n" unless $DEBUG;

        # Following message is only shown if $DEBUG is set. So, I do not care
        # about templating it. Let it goes into STDERR. YMMV. <[EMAIL 
        print STDERR "Oops, couldn't make $LILOCONF owned by root.root. Since 
        print STDERR "have set the DEBUG flag, I'm going to assume this is 
        print STDERR "you're running liloconfig as a normal user, and continue 
    print CONF @header;
    if($val eq "true")
        print CONF "# This allows booting from any partition on disks with more 
than 1024\n"; 
        print CONF "# cylinders.\n";
        print CONF "lba32\n";
        print CONF "\n";
    @middle_boilerplate = &get_images;
    @bmp_boilerplate = &get_bitmap;

    print CONF @bootheader, "boot=".$device, "\n", @rootheader, 
"root=".$device, "\n", @bmp_boilerplate, @boilerplate1, @middle_boilerplate, 
    close(CONF) or die "Couldn't close $LILOCONF: $!\n";
    if ($? != 0) 
    $lilorun = 1;

if($val eq "true")
    &safe_system("install-mbr $disk");
    if ($? != 0) 

if($val eq "true")
    my $part_num = $partition;
    $part_num =~ s/^.*[a-z]//;
    print STDERR "Activating Partition $part_num on disk $disk.\n";
    &safe_system("/sbin/activate $disk $part_num");
    if ($? != 0) 
    $madeactive = 1;

# Trailer: summarise what we've done
print STDERR "\n";
if (! $lilorun) 
    print STDERR "WARNING: you will have to set up LILO manually to ensure 
    print STDERR "       your system can be booted successfully!\n";
    print STDERR "You can rerun liloconfig at any time if you change your mind 
    print STDERR "wish to use the default configuration.\n";
elsif ($madeactive) 
    # LILO was run and Linux partition made active
    print STDERR "LILO successfully configured; Linux will be booted by 
    print STDERR "If you installed the master boot record, you can boot a 
    print STDERR "OS by holding down the shift key as the system boots, and 
    print STDERR "pressing the key corresponding to the partition containing 
    print STDERR "OS when you see the \"1234F:\" prompt.\n";
    my $part_num = $partition;
    $part_num =~ s/^.*[a-z]//;
    # LILO run, but Linux partition not made active
    print STDERR "OK. If you installed the master boot record, and the 
    print STDERR "boot record, you may boot Linux by holding down the shift 
    print STDERR "as the system boots, and then pressing the $part_num key\n";
    print STDERR "when you see the \"1234F:\" prompt.\n";

print STDERR "\n";
print STDERR "For more information about LILO, see the documentation in\n";
print STDERR "/usr/share/doc/lilo/. For details about the MBR, see also\n";
print STDERR "/usr/share/doc/mbr/.\n";


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