Your message dated Sun, 10 Nov 2024 12:49:15 +0000
with message-id <>
and subject line Bug#1077351: fixed in helpful-el 0.21-4
has caused the Debian Bug report #1077351,
regarding helpful-el: FTBFS: make: *** [debian/rules:4: binary] Error 25
to be marked as done.

This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what this
message is talking about, this may indicate a serious mail system
misconfiguration somewhere. Please contact

Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems
--- Begin Message ---
Source: helpful-el
Version: 0.21-3
Severity: serious
Justification: FTBFS
Tags: trixie sid ftbfs
Usertags: ftbfs-20240727 ftbfs-trixie


During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build
on amd64.

Relevant part (hopefully):
>  debian/rules binary
> dh binary --with elpa
>    dh_update_autotools_config
>    dh_autoreconf
>    dh_elpa_test
>       emacs -batch -Q -l package --eval "(add-to-list 'package-directory-list 
> \"/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa\")" --eval "(add-to-list 
> 'package-directory-list \"/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa-src\")" --eval 
> "(setq ert-batch-backtrace-right-margin nil)" -f package-initialize -L . -L 
> test --eval "(load-file \"test/test-helper.el\")" -l 
> test/helpful-unit-test.el --eval \(ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit\)
> Loading /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/test/test-helper.el (source)...
> No Emacs source code found at "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/emacs-25.3/src", some tests 
> will be skipped. Run ./
> Running 91 tests (2024-07-28 03:12:47+0000, selector ‘t’)
>    passed   1/91  helpful--aliases (0.036527 sec)
> Searched 0/1 files
> Searched 1/1 files
>    passed   2/91  helpful--autoload-functions-with-advice (5.482399 sec)
>    passed   3/91  helpful--bound-p (0.000075 sec)
>    passed   4/91  helpful--callees (0.000081 sec)
>    passed   5/91  helpful--callees--closure (0.000054 sec)
>    passed   6/91  helpful--callees--cond (0.000082 sec)
>    passed   7/91  helpful--callees--condition-case (0.000068 sec)
>    passed   8/91  helpful--callees--funcall (0.000121 sec)
>    passed   9/91  helpful--callees--function (0.000058 sec)
>    passed  10/91  helpful--callees--lambda (0.000047 sec)
>    passed  11/91  helpful--callees-button--smoke (0.000363 sec)
>    passed  12/91  helpful--callees-let (0.000119 sec)
>    passed  13/91  helpful--canonical-symbol (0.000060 sec)
>    passed  14/91  helpful--convert-c-name (0.000087 sec)
>    passed  15/91  helpful--definition-buffer-opened (0.008013 sec)
>   skipped  16/91  helpful--definition-c-vars (0.000097 sec)
>    passed  17/91  helpful--definition-defstruct (0.008947 sec)
>    passed  18/91  helpful--definition-edebug-fn (0.001682 sec)
>    passed  19/91  helpful--definition-no-defvar (0.003173 sec)
>   skipped  20/91  helpful--definition-special-form (0.000100 sec)
> Searched 0/1 files
> Searched 1/1 files
>    passed  21/91  helpful--display-implementations (0.162209 sec)
>    passed  22/91  helpful--docstring (0.000075 sec)
>    passed  23/91  helpful--docstring-advice (0.000155 sec)
>    passed  24/91  helpful--docstring-keymap (0.001386 sec)
>    passed  25/91  helpful--docstring-keymap-newline (0.000258 sec)
>    passed  26/91  helpful--docstring-strings (0.000512 sec)
>    passed  27/91  helpful--docstring-symbol (0.001084 sec)
>    passed  28/91  helpful--docstring-unescape (0.001516 sec)
>    passed  29/91  helpful--edebug-fn (0.025952 sec)
>    passed  30/91  helpful--edebug-p (0.000050 sec)
> Test helpful--elc-only backtrace:
>   signal(file-error ("Can't find library" "/tmp/foo.el"))
>   find-library-name("/tmp/foo.el")
>   find-function-search-for-symbol(helpful-fn-in-elc nil "/tmp/foo.elc")
>   (cdr (find-function-search-for-symbol sym nil library-name))
>   (setq pos (cdr (find-function-search-for-symbol sym nil library-name)))
>   (save-restriction (widen) (setq pos (cdr (find-function-search-for-symbol 
> sym nil library-name))))
>   (save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) (setq pos (cdr 
> (find-function-search-for-symbol sym nil library-name)))))
>   (save-current-buffer (set-buffer buf) (save-excursion (save-restriction 
> (widen) (setq pos (cdr (find-function-search-for-symbol sym nil 
> library-name))))))
>   (progn (let* ((--dash-source-13-- (helpful--open-if-needed src-path)) 
> (src-buf (car-safe (prog1 --dash-source-13-- (setq --dash-source-13-- (cdr 
> --dash-source-13--))))) (src-opened (car --dash-source-13--))) (setq buf 
> src-buf) (setq opened src-opened)) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer buf) 
> (save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) (setq pos (cdr 
> (find-function-search-for-symbol sym nil library-name)))))) (if (and buf (not 
> pos)) (progn (setq pos (helpful--find-by-macroexpanding buf sym t)))))
>   (if src-path (progn (let* ((--dash-source-13-- (helpful--open-if-needed 
> src-path)) (src-buf (car-safe (prog1 --dash-source-13-- (setq 
> --dash-source-13-- ...)))) (src-opened (car --dash-source-13--))) (setq buf 
> src-buf) (setq opened src-opened)) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer buf) 
> (save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) (setq pos (cdr 
> (find-function-search-for-symbol sym nil library-name)))))) (if (and buf (not 
> pos)) (progn (setq pos (helpful--find-by-macroexpanding buf sym t))))))
>   (cond ((and (not (symbolp sym)) (functionp sym)) (list nil nil nil)) ((and 
> callable-p library-name) (if src-path (progn (let* ((--dash-source-13-- 
> (helpful--open-if-needed src-path)) (src-buf (car-safe ...)) (src-opened (car 
> --dash-source-13--))) (setq buf src-buf) (setq opened src-opened)) 
> (save-current-buffer (set-buffer buf) (save-excursion (save-restriction 
> (widen) (setq pos ...)))) (if (and buf (not pos)) (progn (setq pos 
> (helpful--find-by-macroexpanding buf sym t))))))) (callable-p (let 
> ((edebug-info (get sym 'edebug))) (if edebug-info (progn (let* ((marker ...)) 
> (setq buf (marker-buffer marker)) (setq pos (marker-position marker))))))) 
> ((and (not callable-p) src-path) (let* ((--dash-source-14-- 
> (helpful--open-if-needed src-path)) (src-buf (car-safe (prog1 
> --dash-source-14-- (setq --dash-source-14-- ...)))) (src-opened (car 
> --dash-source-14--))) (setq buf src-buf) (setq opened src-opened) 
> (save-current-buffer (set-buffer buf) (save-excursion (condition-case _err 
> (setq pos (cdr ...)) (search-failed nil) (error nil)))))))
>   (let ((primitive-p (helpful--primitive-p sym callable-p)) (library-name 
> nil) (src-path nil) (buf nil) (pos nil) (opened nil)) (progn (or (or 
> find-function-C-source-directory (not primitive-p)) (cl--assertion-failed 
> '(or find-function-C-source-directory (not primitive-p)))) nil) (if (symbolp 
> sym) (progn (if callable-p (setq library-name (cdr (find-function-library 
> sym))) (setq library-name (or (symbol-file sym 'defvar) (help-C-file-name sym 
> 'var)))))) (if library-name (progn (setq src-path (helpful--library-path 
> library-name)))) (cond ((and (not (symbolp sym)) (functionp sym)) (list nil 
> nil nil)) ((and callable-p library-name) (if src-path (progn (let* 
> ((--dash-source-13-- ...) (src-buf ...) (src-opened ...)) (setq buf src-buf) 
> (setq opened src-opened)) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer buf) 
> (save-excursion (save-restriction ... ...))) (if (and buf (not pos)) (progn 
> (setq pos ...)))))) (callable-p (let ((edebug-info (get sym 'edebug))) (if 
> edebug-info (progn (let* (...) (setq buf ...) (setq pos ...)))))) ((and (not 
> callable-p) src-path) (let* ((--dash-source-14-- (helpful--open-if-needed 
> src-path)) (src-buf (car-safe (prog1 --dash-source-14-- ...))) (src-opened 
> (car --dash-source-14--))) (setq buf src-buf) (setq opened src-opened) 
> (save-current-buffer (set-buffer buf) (save-excursion (condition-case _err 
> (setq pos ...) (search-failed nil) (error nil))))))) (list buf pos opened))
>   helpful--definition(helpful-fn-in-elc t)
>   (if look-for-src (helpful--definition helpful--sym helpful--callable-p) 
> '(nil nil nil))
>   (let* ((val (if helpful--callable-p nil (helpful--sym-value helpful--sym 
> helpful--associated-buffer))) (inhibit-read-only t) (start-line 
> (line-number-at-pos)) (start-column (current-column)) (primitive-p 
> (helpful--primitive-p helpful--sym helpful--callable-p)) (canonical-sym 
> (helpful--canonical-symbol helpful--sym helpful--callable-p)) (look-for-src 
> (or (not primitive-p) find-function-C-source-directory)) (--dash-source-26-- 
> (if look-for-src (helpful--definition helpful--sym helpful--callable-p) 
> '...)) (buf (car-safe (prog1 --dash-source-26-- ...))) (pos (car-safe (prog1 
> --dash-source-26-- ...))) (opened (car --dash-source-26--)) (source (if 
> look-for-src (progn ...))) (source-path (if buf (progn ...))) (references 
> (helpful--calculate-references helpful--sym helpful--callable-p source-path)) 
> (aliases (helpful--aliases helpful--sym helpful--callable-p))) (erase-buffer) 
> (insert (helpful--summary helpful--sym helpful--callable-p buf pos)) (if 
> (helpful--obsolete-info helpful--sym helpful--callable-p) (progn (insert 
> "\n\n" (helpful--format-obsolete-info helpful--sym helpful--callable-p)))) 
> (if (and helpful--callable-p (not (helpful--kbd-macro-p helpful--sym))) 
> (progn (helpful--insert-section-break) (insert (helpful--heading "Signature") 
> (helpful--syntax-highlight ...)))) (if (not helpful--callable-p) (progn 
> (helpful--insert-section-break) (let* (... ...) (if helpful--first-display 
> ...) (insert ... ... "\n\n") (if ... ...) (if multiple-views-p ...) (if ... 
> ...) (if ... ...) (insert ...) (if ... ...)))) (let ((docstring 
> (helpful--docstring helpful--sym helpful--callable-p)) (version-info (if 
> helpful--callable-p nil ...))) (if (or docstring version-info) (progn 
> (helpful--insert-section-break) (insert ...) (if docstring ...) (if 
> version-info ...) (if ... ...) (if ... ...)))) (if (commandp helpful--sym) 
> (progn (helpful--insert-section-break) (insert (helpful--heading "Key 
> Bindings") (helpful--format-keys helpful--sym aliases)))) 
> (helpful--insert-section-break) (insert (helpful--heading "References") (let 
> ((src-button ...)) (cond (... ...) (... ...) (source-path ...) (... "C code 
> is not yet loaded.") (t "Could not find source file."))) "\n\n" 
> (helpful--make-references-button helpful--sym helpful--callable-p)) (if (and 
> helpful--callable-p (symbolp helpful--sym) source (not primitive-p)) (progn 
> (insert " " (helpful--make-callees-button helpful--sym source)))) (if 
> (helpful--advised-p helpful--sym) (progn (helpful--insert-section-break) 
> (insert (helpful--heading "Advice") (format "This %s is advised." ...)))) 
> (let ((can-edebug (helpful--can-edebug-p helpful--sym helpful--callable-p buf 
> pos)) (can-trace (and ... helpful--callable-p ...)) (can-disassemble (and 
> helpful--callable-p ...)) (can-forget (and ... ...))) (if (or can-edebug 
> can-trace can-disassemble can-forget) (progn (helpful--insert-section-break) 
> (insert ...))) (if can-edebug (progn (insert ...))) (if can-trace (progn (if 
> can-edebug ...) (insert ...))) (if (and (or can-edebug can-trace) (or 
> can-disassemble can-forget)) (progn (insert "\n"))) (if can-disassemble 
> (progn (insert ...))) (if can-forget (progn (if can-disassemble ...) (insert 
> ...)))) (if aliases (progn (helpful--insert-section-break) (insert 
> (helpful--heading "Aliases") (s-join "\n" ...)))) (if helpful--callable-p 
> (progn (helpful--insert-implementations))) (helpful--insert-section-break) 
> (if (or source-path primitive-p) (progn (insert (helpful--heading ...) (cond 
> ... ...)))) (if source (progn (insert (cond ... ... ...)))) 
> (helpful--insert-section-break) (let ((formatted-props 
> (helpful--format-properties helpful--sym))) (if formatted-props (progn 
> (insert ... formatted-props)))) (goto-char (point-min)) (forward-line (1- 
> start-line)) (forward-char start-column) (setq helpful--first-display nil) 
> (if opened (progn (kill-buffer buf))))
>   helpful-update()
>   (save-current-buffer (set-buffer buf) (helpful-update))
>   (let ((buf (helpful--buffer symbol callable-p))) (save-current-buffer 
> (set-buffer buf) (helpful-update)) (funcall helpful-switch-buffer-function 
> buf))
>   helpful--update-and-switch-buffer(helpful-fn-in-elc t)
>   helpful-function(helpful-fn-in-elc)
>   (let ((load-history (cons '("/tmp/foo.elc" (defun . helpful-fn-in-elc)) 
> load-history))) (helpful-function 'helpful-fn-in-elc))
>   (closure (t) nil (let ((load-history (cons '("/tmp/foo.elc" (defun . 
> helpful-fn-in-elc)) load-history))) (helpful-function 'helpful-fn-in-elc)))()
>   ert--run-test-internal(#s(ert--test-execution-info :test ... :result ... 
> :exit-continuation #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0xad0f17cd2cfc83>) 
> :next-debugger debug :ert-debug-on-error nil))
>   ert-run-test(#s(ert-test :name helpful--elc-only :documentation "Ensure we 
> hand..." :body ... :most-recent-result ... :expected-result-type :passed 
> :tags nil :file-name "/build/helpful..."))
>   ert-run-or-rerun-test(#s(ert--stats :selector t :tests ... :test-map 
> #<hash-table eql 91/91 0x1573b1dd8ced> :test-results ... :test-start-times 
> ... :test-end-times ... :passed-expected 28 :passed-unexpected 0 
> :failed-expected 0 :failed-unexpected 1 :skipped 2 :start-time ... :end-time 
> nil :aborted-p nil ...) #s(ert-test :name helpful--elc-only :documentation 
> "Ensure we hand..." :body ... :most-recent-result ... :expected-result-type 
> :passed :tags nil :file-name "/build/helpful...") #f(compiled-function 
> (event-type &rest event-args) #<bytecode -0x109bfa0eb0dcc04f>))
>   ert-run-tests(t #f(compiled-function (event-type &rest event-args) 
> #<bytecode -0x109bfa0eb0dcc04f>) nil)
>   ert-run-tests-batch(nil)
>   ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit()
>   command-line-1(("-l" "package" "--eval" "(add-to-list 
> 'package-directory-list \"/usr/share/e..." "--eval" "(add-to-list 
> 'package-directory-list \"/usr/share/e..." "--eval" "(setq 
> ert-batch-backtrace-right-margin nil)" "-f" "package-initialize" "-L" "." 
> "-L" "test" "--eval" "(load-file \"test/test-helper.el\")" "-l" 
> "test/helpful-unit-test.el" "--eval" "(ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit)"))
>   command-line()
>   normal-top-level()
> Test helpful--elc-only condition:
>     (file-error "Can't find library" "/tmp/foo.el")
>    FAILED  31/91  helpful--elc-only (0.002232 sec) at 
> test/helpful-unit-test.el:559
>    passed  32/91  helpful--format-docstring (0.000417 sec)
>    passed  33/91  helpful--format-docstring--bare-url (0.000339 sec)
>    passed  34/91  helpful--format-docstring--info (0.000600 sec)
>    passed  35/91  helpful--format-docstring--url (0.000162 sec)
>    passed  36/91  helpful--format-docstring-command-keys (0.000358 sec)
>    passed  37/91  helpful--format-docstring-escapes (0.000126 sec)
>    passed  38/91  helpful--format-docstring-mode-maps (0.002076 sec)
>    passed  39/91  helpful--format-keymap--keyboard-macros (0.000198 sec)
>    passed  40/91  helpful--format-reference (0.000325 sec)
>    passed  41/91  helpful--inhibit-read-only (0.017869 sec)
>    passed  42/91  helpful--interactively-defined-fn (0.030966 sec)
>    passed  43/91  helpful--keymap-keys (0.001765 sec)
>    passed  44/91  helpful--keymap-keys--anonymous-fns (0.000245 sec)
>    passed  45/91  helpful--keymap-keys--prefix (0.000144 sec)
>    passed  46/91  helpful--keymap-keys--sparse (0.000976 sec)
>    passed  47/91  helpful--keymap-keys--strings (0.000316 sec)
>    passed  48/91  helpful--keymaps-containing (0.266805 sec)
>    passed  49/91  helpful--keymaps-containing-aliases (0.104448 sec)
>    passed  50/91  helpful--kind-name (0.000105 sec)
> Searched 0/1 files
> Searched 1/1 files
>    passed  51/91  helpful--loads-autoload-symbol (0.149120 sec)
>    passed  52/91  helpful--merge-alists (0.000142 sec)
>    passed  53/91  helpful--no-docstring (0.000065 sec)
> Searched 0/1 files
> Searched 1/1 files
>    passed  54/91  helpful--no-symbol-properties (0.051962 sec)
>    passed  55/91  helpful--obsolete-function (0.000375 sec)
>    passed  56/91  helpful--obsolete-variable (0.000283 sec)
> Searched 0/1 files
> Searched 1/1 files
>    passed  57/91  helpful--original-value (0.064121 sec)
>    passed  58/91  helpful--outer-sexp (0.000190 sec)
> Searched 0/1 files
> Searched 1/1 files
>    passed  59/91  helpful--package-version (0.033418 sec)
> Searched 0/1 files
> Searched 1/1 files
>    passed  60/91  helpful--preserve-position (0.035993 sec)
>    passed  61/91  helpful--pretty-print (0.000153 sec)
>    passed  62/91  helpful--primitive-p (0.000068 sec)
>    passed  63/91  helpful--primitive-p--advised (0.000036 sec)
>    passed  64/91  helpful--signature (0.000076 sec)
>    passed  65/91  helpful--signature--advertised (0.001738 sec)
>    passed  66/91  helpful--signature-fn-with? (0.000058 sec)
>    passed  67/91  helpful--signature-space (0.002727 sec)
>    passed  68/91  helpful--source (0.003722 sec)
>    passed  69/91  helpful--source--interactively-defined-fn (0.000887 sec)
>    passed  70/91  helpful--source-autoloaded (0.003805 sec)
>    passed  71/91  helpful--split-first-line (0.000090 sec)
>    passed  72/91  helpful--summary--aliases (0.003076 sec)
>    passed  73/91  helpful--summary--fn-with-? (0.000135 sec)
>    passed  74/91  helpful--summary--interactive-fn (0.000148 sec)
>    passed  75/91  helpful--summary--special-form (0.000137 sec)
>    passed  76/91  helpful--summary--symbol-with-space (0.000109 sec)
>    passed  77/91  helpful--tree-any-p (0.000080 sec)
>    passed  78/91  helpful--unnamed-compiled-func (0.024467 sec)
>    passed  79/91  helpful--unnamed-func (0.025259 sec)
>    passed  80/91  helpful--unnamed-func-with-docstring (0.053772 sec)
>    passed  81/91  helpful--usage-docstring (0.000063 sec)
>    passed  82/91  helpful--variable-defined-at-point (0.000075 sec)
>    passed  83/91  helpful--without-advice (0.000047 sec)
> Searched 0/1 files
> Searched 1/1 files
> Searched 0/1 files
> Searched 1/1 files
>    passed  84/91  helpful-callable (0.612446 sec)
>   skipped  85/91  helpful-callable--with-C-source (0.000116 sec)
> Searched 0/1 files
> Searched 1/1 files
>    passed  86/91  helpful-function--single-buffer (0.113145 sec)
>    passed  87/91  helpful-symbol-c-style (0.045282 sec)
>    passed  88/91  helpful-symbol-unbound (0.000064 sec)
>    passed  89/91  helpful-update-after-killing-buf (0.066810 sec)
>    passed  90/91  helpful-variable (0.018220 sec)
> Searched 0/1 files
> Searched 1/1 files
>    passed  91/91  helpful-visit-reference (0.216092 sec)
> Ran 91 tests, 87 results as expected, 1 unexpected, 3 skipped (2024-07-28 
> 03:12:55+0000, 7.847692 sec)
> 1 unexpected results:
>    FAILED  helpful--elc-only
> 3 skipped results:
>   SKIPPED  helpful--definition-c-vars
>   SKIPPED  helpful--definition-special-form
>   SKIPPED  helpful-callable--with-C-source
> dh_elpa_test: error: emacs -batch -Q -l package --eval "(add-to-list 
> 'package-directory-list \"/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa\")" --eval 
> "(add-to-list 'package-directory-list 
> \"/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa-src\")" --eval "(setq 
> ert-batch-backtrace-right-margin nil)" -f package-initialize -L . -L test 
> --eval "(load-file \"test/test-helper.el\")" -l test/helpful-unit-test.el 
> --eval \(ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit\) returned exit code 1
> make: *** [debian/rules:4: binary] Error 25

The full build log is available from:

All bugs filed during this archive rebuild are listed at:;

A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at . You're welcome to contribute!

If you reassign this bug to another package, please mark it as 'affects'-ing
this package. See

If you fail to reproduce this, please provide a build log and diff it with mine
so that we can identify if something relevant changed in the meantime.

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Source: helpful-el
Source-Version: 0.21-4
Done: Lev Lamberov <>

We believe that the bug you reported is fixed in the latest version of
helpful-el, which is due to be installed in the Debian FTP archive.

A summary of the changes between this version and the previous one is

Thank you for reporting the bug, which will now be closed.  If you
have further comments please address them to,
and the maintainer will reopen the bug report if appropriate.

Debian distribution maintenance software
Lev Lamberov <> (supplier of updated helpful-el package)

(This message was generated automatically at their request; if you
believe that there is a problem with it please contact the archive
administrators by mailing

Hash: SHA512

Format: 1.8
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 12:07:31 +0500
Source: helpful-el
Architecture: source
Version: 0.21-4
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Debian Emacsen team <>
Changed-By: Lev Lamberov <>
Closes: 1077351
 helpful-el (0.21-4) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Disable helpful--elc-only test (Closes: #1077351)
 719ff8d53cddb66bb0010baf333ead50c35b5a82 2033 helpful-el_0.21-4.dsc
 b9dfe085534332182d330f97c9129daa02cadd99 4468 helpful-el_0.21-4.debian.tar.xz
 8ff475f484a46341192afcab5f68229c86dabc5b 8196 helpful-el_0.21-4_amd64.buildinfo
 56430f9e7531ad5a1c5d56f0203a608951a3035db6f857b590f640eac6106b9e 2033 
 1d38841e92a8ca6ac6b79f176341bdbe025c2fc0319b1637e0e5ea1cbe1eef51 4468 
 5a822264a03bcf16274ba346e7b73b477663a0dffd4f6cdb09953b0dd96375a7 8196 
 51239c42186f2615d455d5be3070d66e 2033 lisp optional helpful-el_0.21-4.dsc
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