
This problem seems to be solved now,
I tested on AMD64, and x86, and there is
no segfault. The program run without problems.

I think it were a problem of libasound2, it
is why the problem were unreproductible on
x86 without alsa, like it was reported by Aurélien.

I tested with jack, and the bug were unreproductible
too with jack.

With new version of libasound (Actually= 1.0.13-1),
it is now possible to load fmit without segfault,
so the problem seems to be solve by new version
of libasound.

I think the bug could be closed, now.

Alexandre, could you update your Debian unstable 
with actual versions and test fmit to tell me if it work 
for you?

Thank you,

    .---.      Ludovic RESLINGER
   /     \
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]@./     Trumpet Student in CNR
   /`\_/`\     Free Software Developer
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