On Saturday 25 November 2006 01:17, Szakacsits Szabolcs wrote:
> On Sat, 25 Nov 2006, Frans Pop wrote:
> > I hope the info available now will be sufficient to track down the
> > problem. If not, I could repeat the procedure and also generate an
> > image after running the Windows 2000 chkdsk.
> Please. That could be very useful.

Information on http://people.debian.org/~fjp/vista/ updated (previous run 
saved as vista.old) and info for after the chkdsk using Win2k added.

I've stopped after the Win2k chkdsk as that turned out to be sufficient to 
make Vista boot again, so running the Vista repair is unnecessary!
The md5sum check after running chkdsk showed only /pagefile.sys deleted.

This means that the new images hopefully show the minimal changes needed 
to fix the problem.

> And please also send what chkdsk logs.

Volume created 11/25/06  03:01p
The volume Serial Number is 9691-8fb7
CHKDSK is checking the volume...
CHKDSK is performing additional checking or recovery...
CHKDSK is performing additional checking or recovery...
CHKDSK is performing additional checking or recovery...
CHKDSK found one or more errors on the volume.
 34179680 kilobytes total disk space.
 27777968 kilobytes are available.

     4096 units in each allocation unit.
  8544920 total allocation units on disk.
  6944492 allocation units available on disk.

On Saturday 25 November 2006 03:03, Szakacsits Szabolcs wrote:
> Could you please try this after running ntfsresize and before booting
> Vista:
>  dd if=<PARTITION> bs=512 count=1 | dd of=<PARTITION> seek=<LAST_SECTOR>

This did not work (Vista still unbootable).

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