Hi Gürkan,

On 12/1/06, Gürkan Sengün <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've applied and tried your patch, but failed, see logs at

It seems that the patch was only applied to  src/m3dtexture.h and not
src/m3dtexture.cpp . Look carefully, both files are modified in that

If you get it to work, I'll be glad to upload it.

To get it to work, i simply follow those steps:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/programmes/experimental/t$ tar -zxvf
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/programmes/experimental/t$ patch -p0 < png_amd64_fix.diff
patching file antigrav-0.0.2/src/m3dtexture.h
patching file antigrav-0.0.2/src/m3dtexture.cpp
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/programmes/experimental/t$ cd antigrav-0.0.2 && debuild -B


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