usertags 419235 depends-on-tetex-base
tags 419235 patch
usertags 400597 depends-on-tetex-base
tags 400597 patch
usertags 385139 depends-on-tetex-base
tags 385139 patch
usertags 412833 depends-on-tetex-base
tags 412833 patch
usertags 419239 depends-on-tetex-base
tags 419239 patch
usertags 419230 depends-on-tetex-base
tags 419230 patch, lenny
usertags 419234 depends-on-tetex-base
tags 419234 patch
# texmacs' 418660 already has a patch
usertags 418660 depends-on-tetex-base
#  419237, 403468, 419238 already fixed
usertags 419237 depends-on-tetex-base
usertags 403468 depends-on-tetex-base
usertags 419238 depends-on-tetex-base
usertags  depends-on-tetex-base


I'm very sorry for this, in particular because we have already discussed
this problem in the past but forgot about it before the upload of
texlive 2007 to unstable. (And many thanks to Ralf and others for filing
the bugs.)

The quick fix to make all these packages installable again, and those
bugs non-RC, is to just drop the tetex-base dependency (and
build-dependency, if applicable).  It will not close them, however,
because no package should depend on the transitional packages tetex-bin
or tetex-extra.  Instead, proper texlive dependencies need to be found.

I plan to NMU all these bugs (with the "quick fix") as fast as my time
permits, and depending on the reaction of maintainers, of course.  I'll
start with those that have unacknowledged NMUs and try to continue as
effectively as possible - please tell me if you are preparing an upload
yourself.  Please don't take these NMUs as offensive, it's rather my
self-punishment for not thinking about filing proper bugs in advance.

As always, help for finding proper texlive-dependencies can be found on and by asking on

Regards, Frank

It has always been a bug to depend on tetex-base[1]

[1] except in some very special, theoretical case which AFAIK does not
apply to any package in Debian
Dr. Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

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