On 16 Aug 2000, BorX wrote:

> Hi. I used pseudo-image method on ftp.fr.debian.org to d/l all files :
> 4 pseudo-images (3 "normals" + non-us). I was about to rsync them to
> official CD isos, but the files binary-i386-3.iso and .list
> disappeared... I was working on sunsite.org.uk, so I jumped to another
> rsync server : I still haven't found this binary-i386-3.iso. I'm sure
> it exists as I got the .list one time, and it is mentioned in MDSUMS
> so...
> You understood it, I talk about brand-new 2.2.
> Please send me an rsync adress in which I'm sure to get this 3rd image
> : I'm impatient to burn it :]...

We at ftp.se.debian.org have all i386 and source images. As do

Our machine (ftp.se.debian.org) is rather slow, so we only allow 8 rsyncs,
but there shouldn't be that much of a problem of getting in now.

I'm currently working on the other architectures, trumpetti.atm.tut.fi has
most but not the NONUS images among the other architectures. And neither
has any mirror I have found in the rsync-mirror-listing.

/Mattias Wadenstein

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