On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, Attila Nagy wrote:

> Hello,
> I've made an error last week so here are the new SID and WOODY CD images.
> ftp://ftp.fsn.hu/pub/CDROM-Images/debian-unofficial
> rsync is disabled currently, because Redhat fans are taking all my
> resources. FTP should work, although I don't know how a PIII-450 will
> handle more than 1500 concurrent FTP users (I've messed up my ftpd's
> config and I don't want to kill them)...
> The mirrors (at least ftp.se.debian.org and ftp.planetmirror.com) will
> catch up soon, I think they have a stronger machine ;)

rsync --progress -av --block-size=8192\* .
receiving file list ... done
23774034 (3%)

Well, it will be a while, since we don't have all that much hardware yet.
2x40MHz supersparc with 256 megs of ram. :)

            ftp    up 34 days, 20:10,    load average: 4.67, 5.32, 8.67

I'll update woody after sid is updated. Check the dates to see if they are
updated yet.

/Mattias Wadenstein

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