On 30 Apr 2001, Philip Hands wrote:

> Mattias Wadenstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Well, just an rsync over the entire debian-cd directory doesn't work that
> > way for me, unfortunately. Because it handles the 2.x dir first, before it
> > comes to the potato_test dir.
> Is this starting from a point of not having the old images in the
> potato_test dir?  If so, I can see why you'd get what you describe,
> otherwise I'd expect it to work properly.

I have the hardlinks and potato_test in place. When I have everything up I
do rsyncs against full mirrors fine and nothing gets downloaded and so.

You can do a "rsync -rvn ftp.se.debian.org::debian-iso" to see the file
structure. And those are hardlinks, we do not have the space for two sets
of debian cd-images.

I expected it to work properly the first time too, but then I noticed that
I ran out of disk somewhere around i386. :)

> > And if you only rsync the potato_test dir (and make links manually or
> > scripted later) you need addtional storage, because then you will end up
> > with the new set in potato_test and the old set in 2.x. This might work
> > fine for some people, but unfortunately we do not have that much storage
> > free (we use that to mirror stuff instead).
> I think you just need to put the links into potato_test in first, and
> all will work as you wish --- you cannot expect rsync to guess that
> the files in a directory next door, are a bit like the ones you're
> trying to download.

Yeah, it can't guess that. But 2.2_rev3 is listed before potato_test, thus
it tries to sync 2.2_rev3 first, then recognizes that those are the same
as in potato_test. I don't see how I could put potato_test first.

/Mattias Wadenstein

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