On Mar 12, Saugata Chakrabarti wrote:
> Dear Richard,
>     Debian is not underrepresented in India,
> We use to download ISO or raw format, write CDs and distribute within
> our LUG members. Most of the time, we just pay only the cost of blank CD
> and get our favorite Linux distributions in hand. 
> I am shocked and astonished in your comment :-(
> What makes you feel like that  .. ???? 
> Hope, in future you will think twice before comment anything in public
> ;-)

I think Richard's point is that there is a lack of vendors for people
who don't have contact with a LUG and/or don't have the bandwidth for
dowloading ISOs.  While a number of vendors ship to India, it would be
good to have a few more vendors in India so people could get CDs more
quickly and inexpensively.

Being a vendor isn't all that hard - you need the ISOs, a CD burner,
good access to blank media, envelopes, and stamps, and a spreadsheet
to keep track of the money for the taxman to get his cut.  Nobody's
going to get rich selling Debian CDs, but it's a nice supplemental
income for relatively little work.

(Having said that, I suspect Debian could do better in India if our
website was available in Hindi and other Indian languages.  I realize
a lot of the tech community there speaks English, but that's true in a
lot of other countries where we've translated stuff too.)

Chris Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.lordsutch.com/chris/

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