> On Tue, 2004-01-27 at 14:18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Non-conforming ASCII characters ("ANSI bombs") and things like
> > that should be removed without comment.
> So anything that doesn't fall within the US-ASCII encoding is thrown out
> the window, sending us back into the character set stone age?

"ASCII" might be too tight of course, this was only meant as an example ;-)
Messages in mime/text format should be possible, also most lists are
in English only. Foreign language lists (e.g. German ;-) could agree
on a common character set like ISO 8859-1 or UTF-8. There are no ANSI
escape sequences in there either AFAIK. If you want html, at least
hidden links should be deactivated to avoid IE users from automatically
downloading viruses and trojans. Or we could create a DTD for eMails
that will fully describe the syntax of allowed "email" XML tags - thus 
avoiding all the risks of standard HTML. Maybe this has already been done 


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