On Tue, 24 Feb 2004, Steve McIntyre wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 24, 2004 at 04:42:27PM +0000, Wookey wrote:
> >We still get people who want to buy 2.2 arm/source CD images from time to
> >time. For reasons I won't bore you with I've not got any 2.2r anything
> >source images right now, so I went to download them again and failed to find
> >any jigdo files or isos.
> >
> >Has anyone still got some I could use? Presumably jigdo will fail miserably
> >as many of the original files will be gone from the archive now, and my
> >archive image is somewhat out of date too, so I need isos at least to rsync
> >against if not just download?
> In fact there are still some jigdo files for 2.2r7 (the last potato
> release) on open. I don't know if they're official or not at this
> point; they're not publically accessible atm.

We removed them from cdimage.d.o when potato was removed from the archive,
thinking that they wouldn't be very usable.

Perhaps a snapshot of isos somewhere would be nice too, there might be one
on planetmirror? Jason?

Of course, given a decent storage donation, I could set an archive section
up on cdimage.d.o. :)

/Mattias Wadenstein

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