Patrick Strasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Mattias Wadenstein wrote:
> [about offering Debian CD-images via BitTorrent]
> > I suspect I'm not the only one that thinks that this might be a good idea.
> > I'm actually planning on offering this, what I'd like feedback on is how
> > official it should be.
> I know that people like BitTorrent, and it that it is a nice P2P-System.
> But what is the point of a second distribution system besides a
> perfectly working distribution system that uses already existing
> staging points?
> I don't see an advantage in BitTorrent. It needs new software, users
> to spread data, extra administration, support. Moreover jigdo is IMO
> the best way to spread Debian CDs, thanks to the nature of ISO9660.

Jigdo produces a good initial template image that often needs further
repairs by rsync.

Bittorrent on the other hand is self repairing (like rsync).
Also bittorrent utilizes the leechers upstream bandwith to share data
and reduce the traffic on the mirror.

A mixture of rsync, bittorrent and jigdo would be best.


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