On Sat, 20 Mar 2004, Mejo wrote:

>       I have got a questions for which I was not able to find the exact
> answer from any where else(even from debian.org). Guess that this is the
> best place to ask it.

> 2. Does Non_Us cds contains all the packages that US one has?

Yes.  The non-US CD is the same as the US except that it includes the
non-US software as well.
> 3. I have both the cds with me now. Is it legal to distribute both in India?

India is not part of the US and the US legal restrictions would not apply
to India.


  Philip Charles; 39a Paterson Street, Abbotsford, Dunedin, New Zealand
   +64 3 488 2818        Fax +64 3 488 2875        Mobile 025 267 9420
     [EMAIL PROTECTED] - preferred.          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     I sell GNU/Linux & GNU/Hurd CDs.   See http://www.copyleft.co.nz

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