Hi Steve,

any insight on this one? Seeing NM fall out of CD#1 after the efforts
put into its being integrated properly on the netcfg side would seem
slightly suboptimal…

Steven Chamberlain <ste...@pyro.eu.org> (16/01/2013):
> On 16/01/13 15:36, Praveen A wrote:
> > 2013/1/13 Steven Chamberlain <ste...@pyro.eu.org>:
> >> 3. add network-manager-gnome to gnome-core (seems inappropriate)
> > 
> > yes, there was big debate on it
> > http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=681834
> Ah I see, that's already been decided.  A consequence of downgrading it
> to Recommends:, though, is that it is no longer prioritised for
> inclusion on CD-1.
> I think that was probably unintentional;  that the intent was to make
> network-manager optional, rather than remove it altogether from a CD-1
> default install.
> >>> 2. add network-manager-gnome specially to debian-cd's
> >>> tasks/wheezy/Debian-gnome, after the forcd1 include - after all, we are
> >>> just trying to manipulate what goes onto CD1.
> That may be the only sensible suggestion now.
> Perhaps mobile-broadband-provider-info, modemmanager and usb-modeswitch
> are all desirable as well.  (These are recommends of
> network-manager[-gnome] and not already on CD-1).
> I'm not sure yet what packages these would displace, and hence if any of
> this is technically feasible.  If not, users must be strongly warned of
> the limitations of GNOME CD-1, to avoid disappointment.
> The ultimate aim would be to offer GNOME CD-1 users the easiest
> possible, and comprehensive, means to set up networking and be able to
> install additional software.
> The rationale is similar to #630805 and #231583, whereby packages were
> prioritised for inclusion on CD-1 (but those were much smaller, and
> unintrusive...).
> Regards,
> -- 
> Steven Chamberlain
> ste...@pyro.eu.org


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