At 08:09 on Dec 7, Mike Isely combined all the right letters to say:

> Not really.  My "official" address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] but that isn't my
> ISP.  It's a forwarder.  That way I can shift ISPs without having to fix
> e-mail subsriptions all the time.  However there is *no* way I can
> really post from pobox because that is just a forwarder.

Every mailer that I can think of has a way to change the way your "from"
address appears. Provided that the mailer properly handles your request to
change your "from" address, you should really be able to send mail
appearing to come from a subscribed address (even if your end-result ISP
address, for example, is different). As a matter of fact, this is what I
am doing right now.

That said, debian-changes is not really a discussion list, so why would
wanting to post to it be a large issue for anyone but people providing
changes -- hopefully people smart enough to change their mailer's from:


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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