Emmanuel Kasper:
> The initial bug report is from 22 Juni, so you need to let the
> maintainer some time to react it.

I understand – being just a bit too excited when I learned how easy it
is to contribute to Debian (you only need text editor and email)! :)

> Thanks for the PEP-8 patch, I had a look at it,
>> raise WebException(httplib.BAD_REQUEST,
>>             "Unknown key id %r" % mybe_key)
> here I think you should raise
>             httplib.NOT_FOUND
> the rest looks good to me
> since the incorrect paramater has been dealt with your previous exception

Thank you Emmanuel for the review! The mock-meta.py code doesn't get
included in the Debian binary package at all so in my opinion we can
just leave it like that for now. However, as you raised this topic up, I
will submit now a patch to the upstream to fix this. Does that sound ok?


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