On Sun, Oct 15, 2017 at 11:14:01PM -0600, Ben Howard wrote:
>    Thank you for the idea, however, after looking at it, I see FAI as
>    technology akin to KickStart, MAAS, AutoYast, etc. 

Ben, as you weren't at last year's cloud sprint, you likely missed that
we settled on using FAI as the cloud image generation tool then. I've
been using it since then to build the Debian images available in the AWS
Marketplace. (As far as I know, other clouds haven't yet adopted it, but
I think this will be an issue to fix during this sprint.) It does not
attempt to duplicate any of what cloud-init is doing, and in fact still
runs cloud-init as usual.

Adding support for additional cloud to our FAI configs should be very
nearly trivial. If they don't require any special configuration or
packages baked into the image, then there's really no configuration at
all. If they do require specific configuration (e.g. for EC2 we want to
bake the aws-cli and boto packages into the image) then that's easy to

The FAI configs for building vagrant boxes and EC2 AMIs are at

While snapshot-based image customization is, of course, supported, we
also explicitly wanted to support users who want to construct images
"from scratch" that derive from our configs. This is straightforward in
FAI, and I posted a blog giving an example of our one might do it:


At last year's sprint, we demoed the various available image generation
tools. I suspect we'll do something similar again this year, so you'll
get to see the system in action.


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