Dear Debian Cloud Sprint 2017 attendeeds,

Reimbursement for Sprint-related expenses will be processed by Software
in the Public Interest, for all Requestors including Europeans.

To process the reimbursement requests efficiently and expeditiously, SPI
requires consistency. These procedures were initially used for
DebConf17, very effectively. We are re-using them, with very minor
alterations, for Debian Cloud Sprint 2017.

All requests must include:
- an SPI Reimbursement Request Form [1] with accurate banking
  information as SPI uses TransferWise [2]
- an Expense Report generated using XE's Travel Expenses Calculator [3]
- sufficient documentation substantiating the expense report
- a declaration of compliance


Requestors must follow these steps:

Step 1: Prepare an SPI Reimbursement Request Form.
- download it from
- ensure that the banking information is accurate as incorrect details
  are a major source of delays
- save as PDF

Step 2: Prepare an Expense Report.
- use to prepare an
  expense report
- enter Your Name, which must match the name in the SPI Reimbursement
  Request Form
- set Your Home Currency to as appropriate
- leave/set Credit Card @ 2%, Debit Card @ 5%, Foreign Cash @ 5%,
  Traveller's Cheque @ 2%
- enter Receipt Details, one row per receipt, specifing the correct date
  of the transactions
- save as PDF

Step 3: Collect and order your Receipts.
- collect your recipts in the SAME ORDER as the rows in the Expense
- if paper receipts, scan them with a multi-function device, converting
  to PDF
- save as PDF

Step 4: Prepare the Submission Package.
- collect into a single PDF, the following:
  - from step 1, the SPI Reimbursement Request From
  - from step 2, the Expense Report
  - from step 3, the Ordered Receipts
- the poppler-utils package includes the pdfunite utility
- usage: `pdfunite step1.pdf step2.pdf step3a.pdf step3b.pdf ...  step3n.pdf 
DebianCloudSprint2017ReimbursementRequest-«FirstName & LastName».pdf`
  - warning: ensure that you explicitly mention 
DebianCloudSprint2017ReimbursementRequest-«FirstName & LastName».pdf
    otherwise step3n.pdf is overwritten
  - notice: please name the file exactly as shown, substituting your name
    as entered in the SPI Reimbursement Request Form, for example,
- ensure that the entire Submission Package can be easily understood as
  poor quality submissions are a major source of delays

Step 5: Email the Submission Package.
- prepare an email having these attributes
  - from: you
  - to:
  - subject: Debian Cloud Spring 2017 Reimbursement Request
  - attachment: the Submission Package
    (DebianCloudSprint2017ReimbursementRequest-«FirstName & LastName».pdf)
    prepared in step 4
  - body: (the text below)
      By submitting this reimbursement request, I declare:
      - that I have prepared an SPI Reimbursement Request Form including
        bank account details,
      - that I have prepared an Expense Report using XE's Travel Expense
      - that I have attached sufficient documentation substantiating my
      - that I seek reimbursement of expenses that are compliant to Debian
        policies, and
      - that I have not sought nor will seek reimbursement of these
      expenses from any other source.



Luca Filipozzi

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