On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 11:10:48PM -0500, Christopher David Howie wrote:
> * AMI name is "debian-stretch-hvm-x86_64-gp2-2018-02-22-67467"
> * it is owned by AWS account ID 379101102735
> * For region us-east-1, the AMI ID is ami-0dc82b70

Apologies, this was my fault. The AMIs are generated and globally
replicated, but not marked public until testing is complete. The process
of making the AMIs public is triggered by and after the AMIs have been
validated, but I forgot to do that this time. I've marked the existing
AMIs public, so you should be able to access ami-0dc82b70 in us-east-1
now, along with the rest of the regional AMIs. I'll see about
prioritizing work to avoid this mistake in the future, or at least to
generate some kind of notification in case it happens again.

> * There is an AMI with this name:
> "debian-stretch-hvm-x86_64-gp2-2018-02-22-67467-572488bb-fc09-4638-8628-e1e1d26436f4-ami-0dc82b70.4"
> -- but it is owned by a different AWS account (ID 679593333241), and the
> AMI ID is different (ami-22be575f).

This is the AMI owned and republished by the AWS Marketplace. If you
launch the stretch AMI via the listing at
https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B073HW9SP3, you'll get this AMI.
The contents are bit-for-bit identical to the AMIs on the Stretch wiki.

Apologies again for the confusion.


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