Hi everyone,

On Tue, Jul 02, 2019 at 02:12:27PM -0700, Zach Marano wrote:
> Hi all,
> I propose we start planning the next Debian Cloud Sprint. I offer that we
> (Google) host this year in Seattle sometime in October. Does anyone have
> any comments, ideas, or issues with starting this planning process?
> Alternatively, we did talk about hosting the next sprint on the east coast
> of the US or Canada. If that is something people are interested in, I am
> willing to look into that as well. The downside being that all large cloud
> providers are based in Seattle and may not be able to get as many people to
> attend.

Unfortunately my life has gotten so busy with non-Debian activities that
I probably won't be able to attend this sprint regardless of location,
just as I didn't make it to DebConf this year or last and am more likely
to miss next year than attend. You saw the beginning of this in how slow
I was to complete my commitments from the last Debian cloud sprint.

The cloud team should know that, for similar reasons of being otherwise
too busy, I declined to run for re-election to the SPI board this year.
This means that I will cease to be an SPI director as soon as results
are announced (any day now), and that I will cease to be SPI President
as soon as a replacement is chosen (expected to happen at the August 12
board meeting).

So, consider me inactive with respect to the cloud team until further
notice, aside from any tasks which specifically need the involvement of
the SPI President between now and August 12. I haven't formally retired
from Debian since I'm still not too busy to read debian-devel-announce
or vote for DPL, but I am thinking through whether I should do that.

Best wishes to all, though! I still hope for great success across the
Debian cloud team, the rest of Debian, and SPI. There is a chance I
might return to any of these activities in the future if I have the
required spare time and energy, but this is unpredictable right now.

I do want to find some time to say hello to many of you in places like
Seattle, Boston, and Europe; plus I'm still on IRC and Google Hangouts.
Looking forward to catching up wherever possible.

- Jimmy Kaplowitz

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