Note that the testing VM image is configured with apt pinning, so you
can install packages from unstable using e.g:

  apt install gcc-snapshot/unstable


On 06/10/19 at 09:47 -0500, Andrew Pennebaker wrote:
> My use case is getting some of the very latest applications in like qemu 
> updates, that aren't necessarily available in the testing repositories.
> Hmm, maybe we could do a daily VM push and ignore broken states? This would 
> be a "best effort" artifact.
> > On Oct 6, 2019, at 6:27 AM, Lucas Nussbaum <> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> >> On 12/07/19 at 20:15 -0500, Andrew Pennebaker wrote:
> >> Hey, neat that we have convenient VM's now for Debian! Could we get a VM
> >> for sid as well?
> > 
> > That's difficult, because unstable is frequently in a broken state...
> > What is your use case? (and why isn't it met by the testing64 and
> > contrib-testing64 boxes?)
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > Lucas

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