On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 10:46:49PM +0100, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> For the release team to accept a new version of 20.1, we need to test
> it. Happyaron already tested it with success on Aliyun, Tencent Cloud,
> and Huawei Cloud. We need to test it with Azure, GCE, AWS and OpenStack,
> with the image we're currently generating for Buster.

I've done basic testing on EC2.  We will want to cherry-pick the
following change onto 20.1, if that's the version we want to get into


I have tested that it cherry-picks cleanly, but left it out of the
20.1-1 upload for safety and simplicity.  I expect to upload 20.1-2 with
that change around the time 20.1-1 reaches bullseye.

> Please also note that Noah removed the cloud-utils dependency from the
> package (it is now downgraded to Recommends), because in some use case,
> it makes sense not to have it. So to avoid regression, we will have to
> modify our image to re-add this dependency. There are tools like vcs-run
> that our users may use (so it's not only limited to growpart).

I've already updated the debian-cloud-images repository to explicitly
install cloud-guest-utils everywhere where we install cloud-init, and
have confirmed that the daily sid builds (with cloud-init 20.1) do have

Since Recommends are installed by default in the default apt
configuration, I'd expect that most other users who are installing
cloud-init will not notice a difference.


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