Someone asked me for a VM image recently, and I discovered we now
make some available at:

Cool. Oh, except they are almost all x86 only and this chap wanted
arm64 (plain VM in this case - nobody wants to run an installer
these days).

A bit of investigation shows that in fact we do have arm64 debian 9,10
and 11 ec2 images, and generic debian 10,11 arm64 and ppc64el
images. So the front page needs updating (I went away assuming there
was no support for a few weeks and have just now realised that in fact
we do have stuff).

It looks like GCE and Azure don't have arm64 hardware yet, so x86-only
is fair enough there, although I expect they will have some soon.

The 'genericcloud' and 'nocloud' images are amd64 only. Maybe they
don't make sense for arm64 - what are they for?

So, I'd like to ask who's behind this fine service, and whether
anything more is needed to get arm parity with x86. Possibly there is
nothing to do except update the front page, but if there is I'm able
to spend time helping update things and I can get us some
hardware or resource to do builds on if that's what's needed,
(because Arm/linaro/Huawei/others would like to see x86_64/arm64
parity for things like this and understand that kit/cycles need to be

I don't know if there are other services that it would make sense to
support, e.g packet provide arm64 online compute.
They already provide debian 8,9,10 options, apparently built as docker
A kosher debian image might be a good idea, but then maybe the generic
ones work already? I just failed to find any info on whether anything
special is needed in their images.

That's probably enough for now :-)

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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