On Wed, Jul 01, 2020 at 02:21:39PM -0700, Ross Vandegrift wrote:
> Just a reminder that our next team IRC meeting is next week, Wed July 8
> @ 1900UTC in #debian-cloud on OFTC.

In case you weren't able to make it, the logs of the meeting are at:

- cloud-init stable update has been uploaded, will be in the next point
  release.  wooo!
- I plan to test the checksum mr again after waldi's fix, hope to get done in
  the next few days.
- there's a proposal to add udev rules for cloud devies to systemd.  Noah and
  Thomas Stringer plan to follow up on the github conversation.  See link in
  meeting notes / log.

The next meeting will be Wed Aug 12.


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