
On Fri Jul 31, 2020 at 09:37:22 +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Jul 2020, Noah Meyerhans wrote:
> > > We remove the EOL stuff from our mirrors.  Everything using it will
> > > break anyway.  So no, those images should not stay easily usable.
> > 
> > Yeah, but we preserve it on archive.debian.org.  If we had infinite
> > space on the mirrors, I doubt we'd bother moving it.  We have, in
> > essense, infinite space for published images on cloud services (at least
> > the larger ones like AWS and Azure).  If that ever stops being the case,
> > we can consider what to do, but I think revoking things that may be in
> > use should be a matter of last resort.
> Agreed. And I want to point out that some subset of jessie is still
> maintained through Extended LTS, so while it's EOL from the point of view
> of Debian, there are Debian users who are paying third parties to
> keep a subset of jessie secure.
> They should still be able to use Debian's cloud images and enable
> the Extended LTS repository.
> https://deb.freexian.com/extended-lts

So by this you say: Debian Cloud team should have Debian Jessie images
available until Extended LTS is over, which would be 2022-06-30?

I tend to agree with Bastian, though, that publishing images which are
not covered by LTS (NOT Extended LTS!) any more is a bad idea. Users
should at that time not spin of new VMs any more with old Debian
versions. The scripts are still available to build new 'old images'.

> > > They need at least go from anything easily searchable.
> > 
> > I completely agree that they shouldn't be searchable.  And if they ever
> > are listed on a web page or other resource, it should be along side a
> > prominent and very clear disclaimer that they're no longer supported.
> +1

Maybe (for the future) it would be a good approach to attach timelines
to our Debian Cloud stable images, and tell people when we will remove
images from the specific cloud vendors. This way our users can plan when
those images will not be available any more, and set a time when we will
inform our users (either via the cloud vendors web interface, or via
Debian Press team, or both) in lets say... 8 weeks in advance about the
removal from the specific vendors.

Best regards,
 Martin Zobel-Helas <zo...@debian.org>    Debian System Administrator
 Debian & GNU/Linux Developer                       Debian Listmaster
 http://about.me/zobel                               Debian Webmaster
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