Severity: normal
Usertags: + aws infrastructure

The IDs for buster-backports AMIs for AWS are queryable via SSM public
parameters at /aws/service/debian/release/10-backports/  However, the release
pipeline is apparently not updating them, at least some of the time, and the
most recently published parameter is from last year:

$ aws ssm get-parameters-by-path \
   --path /aws/service/debian/release/10-backports \
   --recursive --output json \
   --query "max_by(Parameters[], &LastModifiedDate)"
    "Name": "/aws/service/debian/release/10-backports/20211229-871/arm64",
    "Type": "String",
    "Value": "ami-0d4fccbb20a209053",
    "Version": 1,
    "LastModifiedDate": 1640801031.624,
    "DataType": "text"

Given that we have published buster-backports AMIs within the past two days,
this data is clearly stale.

Bullseye and Buster regular listings are refreshed as expected.  The problem is
likely related to the SSM publication code not handling the case when both
buster and buster-backports are being published in the same pipeline run.

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