On Wed, Feb 08, 2023 at 09:26:55PM -0800, Ross Vandegrift wrote:
> Here's what we're going to deploy, please let us know if anything sounds
> wrong:
> - 8 cpu arm64, 16G of RAM (in AWS-speak: c6g.2xlarge)
> - two disks:
>   - root volume for the OS
>   - data volume that can persist the data if the VM needs to be replaced
> - ssh public keys for DSA configured for root
> - prometheus-node-exporter to expose system metrics
>   - we want to be able to monitor performance of hosted VMs, and
>     will do the install with cloud-init when it's launched.
Sounds sane, thanks.

> Do you have a list of hosts that should be permitted ssh access?
Can we (DSA) control the cloud-side firewall?  If not then we'll
probably want it open to the world and configure firewalling on the


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