Work are sending me to Asiacrypt, which is in Queenstown from the 1st
to the 5th of December.  I'm also going to be taking some time in NZ
for sightseeing etc.

So firstly, I'm going to be away from my email for quite a bit.  I may
have some access from NZ, but hotel connectivity is strange and my
laptop's TP-ethernet is inoperative due to mechanical trauma[1].  Tech
ctte people, you'll have to do without me for a bit :-).  Please wait
until I get back with the md5sum output format thing.

Secondly, if anyone in NZ would like to meet up please let me know
ASAP.  It'd be good to go out for a drink or three.  Maybe I can even
teach you Mao :-) (or have a good game if you know it already ...).
I'll post again when I have flight numbers and hotel details.

The flights I have booked are:

 2002-11-28   LHR                 dep 1425
 2002-11-30   Auckland   arr 0545 dep 1000
              Queenstown arr 1150

 2002-12-11   Queenstown          dep 1100
              Auckland   arr 1245

 2002-12-15   Auckland            dep 1645
 2002-12-16   LHR        arr 0910

Thanks for your attention,

[1] I dropped it on the networking dangly bit.

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