On 12/30/2013 04:31 PM, Michael Gilbert wrote:
On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 1:47 PM, Russ Allbery wrote:
4. Conclusions

I previously argued that much of the benefit of a new init system comes
from when we can stop maintaining init scripts.  I still believe that, but
after thinking more about the cultural and project issues at stake here,
as well as the immediate needs for a clean upgrade path, I ended up at
more of a compromise position than I expected.

I believe Debian should take this path forward:

1. We should select a new init system for jessie, either systemd or
    upstart.  Support for that init system should be release-critical, but
    only in the sense that the daemon works properly under that init
    system.  In other words, use of the sysvinit compatibility of either
    init system is acceptable support for jessie.

2. All packages providing init scripts must continue to support sysvinit
    scripts through the jessie release.  Such support will continue to be
    release-critical.  This is going to be painful for packages that want
    to do an early conversion, since it means testing two different init
    systems for this release cycle, but I think this is the right thing to
    do regardless for a clean upgrade path and Debian's normal robust
    committment to upgrades.  Here it has the additional advantage of
    giving the non-Linux ports some breathing space to strategize.

3. Related, up through the jessie release, packages must (where possible;
    it's possible there will be cases where this is simply impossible)
    support switching back and forth between the new default init system
    and sysvinit.  This means that configurations should not be moved out
    of /etc/default and that startup files for the new init system should
    read the same configuration that the existing sysvinit scripts use (or
    both should be modified compatibly).

4. Post-jessie, support for sysvinit will no longer be release-critical,
    and package maintainers will no longer be expected to ensure that it
    continues working.  However, for as long as Debian has accepted
    non-Linux ports using a different init system, package maintainers
    should continue to ship init scripts if they work and should apply
    patches and other reasonable fixes from porters for those init scripts.
    In other words, this should be treated the same as merging patches for
    the Hurd to remove hard-coded constant assumptions: if the change is
    reasonable and doesn't break Linux ports (and this should be fairly
    easy to handle for nearly all cases with init scripts), the package
    maintainer should merge it.

5. Support for the other init system that was not chosen should be handled
    in the same fashion, should a team choose to pursue it.  If we select
    systemd, package maintainers should still be willing to merge
    contributed upstart configuration, with the understanding that they
    can't test it and any support is on a best-effort basis only.
    Similarly, if we select upstart, package maintainers should be willing
    to merge systemd unit files and to enable upstream systemd support
    where requested and where it doesn't interfere with the operation of
    the daemon under upstart, with the understanding that the package
    maintainer is not committing to testing or directly supporting this

6. Debian's non-Linux ports should either use the same init system as
    Debian's Linux ports or agree on an init system that they're both going
    to use.  The porting work is going to be hard enough without the ports
    going in different directions on which secondary init system they want
    to use.  I prefer to leave it up to the porters to decide which init
    system to choose, but I do think OpenRC would be a strong contender.

7. After jessie, functionality between systems running the primary Linux
    init system and other init systems (including non-Linux ports) should
    be allowed to drift.  In other words, there will be cases where
    features will only be available with the primary init system.  Possible
    examples include security hardening, socket activation, automatic
    daemon restarts, and so forth.  Packagers are under no obligation to
    port those features to other init systems, but should welcome and merge
    patches that do so.  After jessie, packagers will no longer be required
    to preserve daemon configuration when the init system is switched, so
    use of such facilities as modification of upstart configuration files
    or systemd overrides may be used.

We should revisit this decision again after the jessie release in case the
situation has substantially changed.
Doesn't a TC mandate on the default init system in some sense violate
Debian's spirit of meritocracy?  May I suggest something like the
following (this isn't meant to be definitive) as a more meritocratic

1. The TC encourages a team (probably debian-boot) to provide a
package (similar to tasksel), let's call it initsel, that prompts
users during an expert install (and dpkg-reconfigure) time to make an
init system selection (with sysvinit as the default to begin with)

2. The TC recommends approving jessie release goals to support all of
the viable init systems (concurrently maintaining full support for

3. The TC recommends that initsel support selection among any of the
init systems that are sufficiently capable on the user's current

4. When the init systems sufficiently support all of the planned
release architectures, which would include kfreebsd-* (at least for
now) and possible hurd if it does become an officially supported arch,
the TC recommends that the team supporting initsel evaluate changing
the default to their best choice among all of those init systems that
do support all of the release architectures.

5. At some future point deprecate sysvinit and any of the other init
systems that are clearly not worth continuing, and encourage
maintainers to remove support for those.

Doing something like this, the best init system can win based truly on
merit (if/when the work gets done), rather than as a fuzzy upfront
judgement call.

Best wishes,

i really don't see any "point" at all of talking about debian BSD init systems they're porting there own it's called open-launchd


having used Upstart OpenRC and systemd and i can tell you systemd works the best out of the 3

if debian does go with Upstart will this let all of debians down streams replace Upstart with systemd as most of debian's down streams who don't use the default inti system use systemd if not all of them

now talking about down streams even SteamOS looks to use systemd

3 DE's use logind Gnome, KDE, MATE,

consolekit is dead logind is way better

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