Hi Don,

On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 09:59:39AM -0800, Don Armstrong wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Jan 2014, Ian Jackson wrote:
> > Do you recognise that a decision to make systemd the only supported
> > init would mean the end of non-Linux-based ports of Debian ?

> Which is why I'm not proposing it at this juncture. However, moving to a
> single supported init system with a defined interface is something that
> I would like to see. 

I'm not sure I understand.  Do you mean you think the systemd landscape may
change in the future, making it possible to port systemd to other kernels;
or do you mean that you "would like to see" a single supported init system,
but are willing to sacrifice this desire for a greater good of keeping
Debian portable to other kernels?

Given systemd upstream's oft-stated opinion that other kernels are
irrelevant and that systemd should make the best use of available Linux
features, the first of these seems exceedingly unlikely to come to pass. 
Indeed, it seems to me that systemd and upstart have been subjected to a
double standard in much of the discussion on this bug, where we are open to
the possibility of someone porting systemd to kFreeBSD and/or Hurd (despite
zero evidence of anyone even entertaining the idea of doing so), but short
shrift is given to statements that upstart upstream are committed to
addressing various feature gaps that the TC considers important.

With infinite resources and infinite will to match systemd
feature-for-feature on Hurd and FreeBSD, it would obviously be possible to
deliver the same experience on all architectures using systemd.  But we
shouldn't kid ourselves by treating this as a *likely* outcome.  Adopting
systemd is in fact a very high barrier to consolidating around the same init
system for all ports, unless we drop the non-Linux ports.  Maybe that's an
important factor for Debian, maybe it's not; but I don't want us to be
fooled into believing the choice of init system doesn't have an impact on
whether that consolidation will happen.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slanga...@ubuntu.com                                     vor...@debian.org

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