You are copied on this message because you raised objections noted by
the policy editors during the discussion of menu policy or seconded the
proposal in #707851.
The TC is currently evaluating a request to review that proposal and the
process surrounding it.

If you seconded the proposal, I'd like to confirm that as part of your
second, you believed that there was rough consensus and that objections
that were raised had been addressed.  That is, please confirm that you
evaluated not just the quality of the proposal, but also evaluated the

If you have any outstanding objections to the proposal, I'd appreciate
you letting the TC know about those as well.

Hi, folks.
I took on the task of agreeing to evaluate the seconds expressed in
to do that I grabbed the mbox and looked for seconds within it.
I see seconds from:

Cyril Brulebois  (who did not second the media handling portion)
Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
Charles Plessy
Russ Allbery

however, in reviewing the bug log, I found a specific set of concerns
that Bill raised in his role as policy editor:

   After reviewing the buglog, I found there are a number of objection
   raised by various developers that have not been addressed. 

   This is a list of MSGID which have not received proper consideration:


I'll take each of those messages and comment:

"Bernhard R. Link" <>

Argument that the default should be show everything rather than only
show some applications.
basically an argument that  show everything would be a better default
and that it is valuable that the menu is consistent across environments.
Indicated he'd be OK with dropping menu and using XDG provided that the
policy was  that items are shown in the XDG menu unless there is a
technical reason not to.

My reading of this message is that in order to reach consensus the
question of whether showing all applications in the menu would need to
be considered by the policy process.
My strong suspicion is that issue was discussed and that Bernhard was in
the rough and that most people involved in the discussion considered the
arguments in favor of displaying all applications in the menu, but did
not agree with his position.


bill wonders  how many Window Managers support XDG.
So, the process would need to consider Window Managers that do not
support XDG in order to reach consensus with this message.

Bill also questions the behavior of GNOME, but that doesn't seem to be a
part of the policy discussion.


Markus Koschany is concerned about making sure the Debian menu system is
mentioned in the policy to support the efforts of folks that are working
with it.
The proposal was changed in response to his concerns and he confirmed he
was happy with the text.


 Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <>
Seconds Markus's desire that the policy mention the menu system.


markus is clarifying his concern.

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