El Miércoles, 11 de Febrero de 2004 00:12, Jaime Robles escribió:

Hello and sorry for the crossposting again O:-)

Due to all the conections to my site... the DSL line has been completely 
saturated all the day making impossible to browse the Internet from the LAN, 
loosing mail... 
Maybe it was not the best idea to offer more than 300M from a DSL...

By the way... to people Teo and Victor have offered me a mirror and i have 
"deleted" the files from my server... i am sorry but i needed to recover the 
line O:-)

Please go to the previous URL 

to find more information about the mirrors and packages.

Today i have added some more packages and there are still some missing... i am 
going to try to package them all tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Thank you very much for your testing and sorry for cutting your downloads :-P

> Hello all!
> Sorry for the crossposting O:-)
> This email is to tell you that i am packaging KDE 3.2 for PowerPC.
> The packages are not the "official" for Debian but just a quick&dirty
> packages for personal use.
> I have just "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot" and fixed some bugs to allow the
> packages to build and install in MY system... a testing/unstable Debian
> powerpc.
> If you want to test them, please download from:
>       http://jaime.robles.nu/debian/kde-3.2
> The machine hosting the packages is my personal server in a DSL line so if
> you think these packages will be useful, please mirror the directory and
> allow my family to browse the internet :-)
> If you find any bug (sure there are a lot of them) please report it and
> i'll try to fix them as soon as my time allow me to do so.
> I hope you'll enjoy the packages.

Un saludo,
        Jaime Robles - http://jaime.robles.nu
        Coordinador KDE-es - KDE Spanish Translation Team
        http://www.kde.org/es  - http://es.i18n.kde.org

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