what to say more?

i'm developing keysign.php, which is the php scrip that manages debian key
signing coordination page (http://oink.cc.ntu.edu.tw/~cklin/signing/).

keysign.php is pretty finished and functioning, at least on woody. but
chuan-kay lin, the server administrator of oink.cc.ntu.edu.tw, reported
me a little and insignificant *feature*.

upon further examination i saw that the problem can be easilyy reproduced
in few lines of code.

  $conn=pg_connect("dbname=dummy user=dom");
  $res=pg_exec($conn, "select * from dummy_table");

you create a database and a table in it. be sure you have correct rights.
exec the given code and see your apache happily segfaulting.

all that happens on my potato system with:
  libc6        2.1.3-10
  postgresql   6.5.3-23
  apache       1.3.9-13.1
  php4         4.0b3-6
  php4-pgsql   4.0b3-6

php does not complain about anything, although in /etc/php4/apache/php.ini
error_reporting is set to 8.

of course i don't know whether the bug is in apache or in php4-pgsql. i
think it is not in my test script for sure.

as already i said, on woody everything runs well. i could not recompile
php4 debian sources on my potato since they look for apsx for creating
apache modules and, as far as i searched, i couldn't find it.

i would not be much that happy to have such a bug as this hanging aroung in
a stable distribution. :(

-----[ Domenico Andreoli, aka cavok ]--            ----[ ICQ: 56447243
  --[ get my public gpg key at http://www.freeweb.org/free/cavok/
-[ unix is user friendly. it's just selective about who its friends are...
       -----[ 3A0F 2F80 F79C 678A 8936  4FEE 0677 9033 A20E BC50 ]--

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