Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

(already submitted to the BTS, is #80263)

homepage URL:
d/l URL:
author: Ben Woodard (ben at valinux dot com)

Fuzz is a debugging utility that checks for buffer overflows
and other bugs (notably crashes and hangs because of lack
of sanity checks, errors that are checked for but not correctly
dealt with, and the like) by feeding a program random input
through STDIN and argv.

Distributed under the GNU General Public License.

I will need a sponsor in order to upload this (currently
waiting for an AM).  My current try at packaging it is
available at

thanks and have a nice day
Thomas Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     
gpg key id 0xACABA81E, fingerprint:
3A47 CFA5 0E5D CF4A 5B22  12D3 FF1B 84FE ACAB A81E

Attachment: pgpABs9J4nFWM.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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