++ 27/12/00 12:21 +0100 - Martin Schulze:
> > Debian will have a booth in exhibition. Also we need to be
> > reprepresented on all conferences. We need volunteers! BTW, I hope to
> > see some non-russian debian developers on Moscow exhibition, because there 
> > are
> > only two of us in .ru.
> Are there some people, developers and users, who would be willing
> to maintain and staff a booth in Praha, Budabest, Warsaw or Moscow?

The exhibition will be only in Moscow. But if some people want to take
part in conferences and tell about debian, it will be good.

> For the Moscow event there seem to be two people, so it is doable.
> However, given the length of the show, some more people even there
> would be good.

Does anyone want to go to Moscow? I with my debian friends are willing
to make excursion. If hotels are expensive for you, I have free flat
for 3-4 people.

I'd like to let you know, that Alexander Kotelnikov  created mailing
list [EMAIL PROTECTED] for Linux Expo Road Show
coordination. The subscription is open. If you want to subscribe send
mail to -request and so on, you know i think. ;-)

The Debian Project. Debian [EMAIL PROTECTED] Expo Road Show coordinator.
Linux Expo Road Show Timeline: 23.04.01 Prague, 24.04.01 Budapest, 
25.04.01 Warsaw, 26.04.01-28.04.01 Moscow. 
Conferences in all cities and exhibition in Moscow.
Visit http://people.debian.org/~nidd/LERS-TODO.html if you're intrested.
Mail contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             Phone contact: 7-095-4261812

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