On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 06:23:44PM -0500, Jacob Kuntz wrote:
> from the secret journal of Sam Couter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > No it's not. It does one thing (Advanced Package Management), and does it
> > fairly well. Just because the thing it does is a complex task doesn't mean
> > it's got creeping featuritis. If it tried to do more than just package
> > management, that would be a different story.
> right, like if it tried to read mail or interpert lisp (which are the
> primary indicators of featuritis).

I fail to see how these examples demonstrate that bzip2 options
on tar are creeping featuritis. If anything, it demonstrates that
it is not. It's not as if tar has bzip2/gzip built in.


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