You (Ian Jackson) wrote:
> All our (ELF i386 and m68k binary) packages are built to build with a
> dependency on `libc5'.
> The Alpha people are not using the standard Linux libc; instead,
> they're using a version of the GNU libc, with a current major number
> of 0 by the looks of things.

In addition to my last message, here is an alternative I've just though
of. Why don't we just provide dummy (eg empty) libc5, libdb1 etc
packages, and let libc6 depend on them. Then libc5 etc _will_ be

I think that's what I'll do until Ian has implemented version numbers
for virtual packages (if that's a reasonable solution that is).

  Miquel van    | Cistron Internet Services   --    Alphen aan den Rijn.
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