> What is the feeling on this ?
> Since the new source format mandates the existence of the changelog
> and specifies that it must be in one of a small number (currently 1)
> of formats I'm inclined to say that we should mandate its inclusion -
> gzipped.
> We then end up with two files per package, and it then makes even more
> sense to move the copyright file.

If they will go in /usr/doc/<package>/copyright.gz and
/usr/doc/<package>/changelog.gz ?  Then this is all right with me.

But a /usr/doc/copyright dir should remain.  The only contents allowed in
there would be generic copyright messages like GPL LGPL BSD and so on. 
Putting these generic files in /usr/doc/base/{GPL,LGPL,BSD} is not wise
IMHO.  Additionally because translated version of the above generic
copyright messages are on the net and it might be usefull to put these
translations there as well.  This specific group of files justify to have a
directory for them selves IMHO.  I don't mind that these are gzipped.


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