Michael Meskes wrote:

> I'd like to ask the other developers what they think. While I see th elogic
> behind your approach I still think LyX should be an official part of Debian.
> What happens if I recompile it statically? Would it go into the standard
> tree then?

Being a Debian/m68k user, my opinion is: _Each_ package that is in the
standard tree should be compilable for all platforms (ok, there are packages
where this does not exactly make sense, like base/mbr on an Amiga, but you
get the idea). This also means that for all those packages AND the packages
they depend on sources have to be available. 
LyX requires XForms. XForms is currently not available for m68k (I've started
talking to the author, but this might take a while). Even IF we once have
XForms for m68k, nobody still has the sources. 

So I'd say: Both XForms and LyX go into non-free. Compiling/linking LyX
statically doesn't change this point, IMHO.


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