> Dale Scheetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > In fact it would be nice if this message didn't go to you twice, but
> I may have already said this, but for those interested, gnus will
> generally remove duplicates for you if you want it to.  It keeps a
> cache of incoming mail message ID's and can be cofigured to do

The procmail package also allowes you to set up a message-id cache. Have a look 
at formail(1) and at the `vacation' example in procmailex(5). 


   Dr. Lukas Nellen                 | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Depto. de Fisica Teorica, IFUNAM |
   Apdo. Postal 20-364              | Tel.:  +52 5 622 5014 ext. 218
   01000 Mexico D.F., MEXICO        | Fax:   +52 5 622 5015

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