On Thu, 8 Aug 1996, Warwick HARVEY wrote:
>metafont                The TeX Metafont program
>dvilj, dvips            Provided by dviljk, dvipsk (? - iwj)
These came up due to a misunderstanding of the guidelines.
They are no longer needed and I will remove them when I update the TeX
related packages.


Coming again: Best quotes of the net. Today:          | Nils Rennebarth
Kristian Köhntopp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]            | Schillerstr. 61 
>>I'd also be interested in the comparison [of Linux] | 37083 Göttingen
>>with a cisco router. I assume a factor of about ten.| ++49-551-71626
>What? faster or slower?                              | http://www.nus.
Cheaper!                                              | de/~nils

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