Sam Hartman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I see three options.  We can have the modules built out of the main
> source package that also produces the architecture: all package
> containing the tarball for end users to use with kernel-package.
> Alternatively, we can have a separate modules source package for
> building only the module; this has the advantage of separating the
> module components from other components of the system, which is nice
> for things like PCMCIA and Openafs that have significant userspace
> components.  We could also try and get module building integrated into
> stock kernel source packages; this would have the advantage of

I personally prefer a variant of the second option, have a per-arch source
package which build-depends on a module-source .deb produced by the main
module source package.  The reason it has to be per-arch is given later in
your message, i.e., you don't want to recompile the i386 modules if the
alpha kernel gets updated.  The same per-arch package should build-depend
on the respective kernel-headers packages for the images that it wants to
build against.

BTW, this is how the kernel images are organised on alpha/i386/sparc.

If your module needs stuff outside kernel-headers, either it's doing
something wrong, or there's stuff in the kernel that needs to be moved
under include/.
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