> It is possible to disable a service simply by removing links in
> /etc/rc*.d .  So long as you leave at least one (/etc/rc0.d/K*package
> would seem to be a good candidate), update-rc.d when called by packages
> on upgrade is a no-op.  Something like:
>   rm /etc/rc*.d/S*package
> should generally do the trick.

That's a good hack, but I still think update-rc.d should support it
directly. I was surprised to see portmap restarted after an ugrade when
I'd previously done "update-rc.d -f remove portmap".

At the very least, this should be documented in update-rc.d(8).

> Note, now that netbase has changed the dependency on portmap to a
> `suggests' you may remove it anyway.

I want portmap and nfs, but I only want them working once a month or so
when I need them.


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