On Fri, Apr 27, 2001 at 08:32:06AM -0700, Aaron Lehmann wrote:
> Yes, but only when you ignore the bloat from the horrible Gnome
> libraries that entangle it. "Encompas doesn't take much ram, the ram
> is all taken up by libgnome, libgnomeui, libbonobo, libgnomevfs,
> libesd, libaudiofile, libgal, libgnomewebbrowser, etc..."

Which are all shared between any programs that use them and are 
likely to be swapped out if you don't need them. As opposed to a
large amount of working space (true of Mozilla, especially) that's
probably going to stay in memory. 
> Maybe because they're bloated, take huge gobs of memory, and are
> designed only to emulate the mistakes and misdesign of a certain OS
> from Redmond?

See, this isn't helpful. They're designed to produce a 'modern'
desktop, not emulate Windows, and especially not the mistakes and
misdesigns. (If you don't think a 'modern' desktop is a good idea,
or Gnome's not a good implementation, then say that; don't accuse
them of something that's blatently not true.)

As a data point, the Gnome libraries which make up licq's Gnome 
interface together with gtk/gdk/glib are smaller than QT. 
> Applications should be writen to be small and efficient. Gnome
> applications force you to install and put up with dozens of libraries
> that don't actually do anything useful (ex. Glib!!).

If the options are:
        Spending forever working on a small, efficent program that 
        depends only on Xlib and libc, including debugging all my 
        own reinventions of the wheel,
        Quickly releasing a working version that dumps a lot of 
        GUI-prettification and minor details to the GNOME (or KDE) 
        libraries, at the cost of depending on those libraries, 
        which many of my users may be using anyway,
I'll pick the second. My time is far more important than saving 
memory - my two-year-old computer has 128 MB - what's an extra 4MB
of shared libraries.
David Starner - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pointless website: http://dvdeug.dhis.org
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