On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 02:46:15PM +0200, Arthur Korn wrote:
> > > Changing the LANG to en_US may have some unexpected side effects and
> > > should not be done without at least some thought for the consequences.
> > > (E.g., the sort order will be radically different.)
> > 
> > Hear, hear, the thing with the sort order is so annoying. But I guess we'll
> > just have to get used to it >:(
> hmm, what's LC_COLLATE for again?

? I was referring to this:

% touch a b c .a .b .c A B C .A .B .C
% LANG=C ls -A
.A  .B  .C  .a  .b  .c  A  B  C  a  b  c
% LANG=hr_HR ls -A
a  .a  A  .A  b  .b  B  .B  c  .c  C  .C

It acts as if the interpunction doesn't exist, which is just plain wrong!
And it's not happening on potato.

Digital Electronic Being Intended for Assassination and Nullification

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