On Sun, 6 May 2001, Anthony Towns wrote:

> On Sun, May 06, 2001 at 11:27:13PM +1000, Drew Parsons wrote:
> > Is there any reason why libggi2 from unstable is not in testing?  All
> > architectures have now been compiled, being all present and up-to-date in
> > the pool, but update-excuses gives no hints as to why it hasn't been
> > accepted in testing.  It (update-output) mumbles something incoherent about
> > the package on alpha, but it's now been built for alpha.
> Yup, but the version on alpha depends libc6.1 >= 2.2.3-1 or so, and
> libc6 2.2.3-1 doesn't build on i386...

After two build failures (because of broken gcc and fileutils) it did
finally build and I did upload it to incoming.

If no new problems arise and Ben doesn't upload a new version it will go
into testing in four days.

> Cheers,
> aj



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sondern weil wir sie nicht wagen sind sie schwierig.

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