On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 02:45:53PM +0200, Russell Coker wrote:
> I would like a version of potato that is not entirely frozen. 
> ...
> I am willing to be involved in back-porting packages (there's many
> things that I back-port for my own use and should share).  
> ... 
> Also we have to consider the long-term view of this.  I would
> like to see back-ports to woody being done in a year's time...

It's not an easy request to address, really.  Opinion is largely
subjective as to what one would find valuable for potato, and you run
into the problem of making "slushy" potato look more like woody.  It's
a catch 22 if you take it too far.

I think the long view on this subject focuses less on back-ports and
more on shorter release cycles.  If we can get release cycles for
stable down to a year or less, back-ports would simply be less

So, contribute your efforts to improving and stabilizing woody, so we
can get it out the door! ;-)

Chad Walstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 | a.k.a. ^chewie
http://www.wookimus.net/                            | s.k.a. gunnarr
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