
  I intent to package tdb (the Trivial Database) which is a GDBM work-alike.
The tdb, unlike GDBM, has support for multiple simultaneous writers and
internal locking to protect from overlapped writes. From the upstream

 This is a simple database API. It was inspired by the realisation that
 in Samba we have several ad-hoc bits of code that essentially
 implement small databases for sharing structures between parts of
 Samba. As I was about to add another I realised that a generic
 database module was called for to replace all the ad-hoc bits.

 I based the interface on gdbm. I couldn't use gdbm as we need to be
 able to have multiple writers to the databases at one time.

The packages are ready and waiting for upload if I'm OK-ed to package it :)



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/* A completely unrelated fortune */
 Necessity has no law.   -- St. Augustine 

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